Winchesters x reader part 3!

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                                                                                                                                                            "Hell no!" Dean yelled, Sam held up a small kitten up with h/c fur and e/c eyes. "Meow." The kitten purred out. "Dean, she took care of us when we were kittens," said Sam. "She took care of you, not me!" Dean snapped. "Dude, we took her in when she had no one else to go to," Sam said. "Come on, family don't end with blood." Dean groaned. "Let's get this shit over with." 

                                                                                                                                                              The next hunt was somewhere near Jody's place so Dean and Sam left Y/n with Jody. The poor kitten was chased by Alexandra, she tried putting on a collar and a shirt on for Y/n. Y/n liked Claire though, she's always seen by curled on Claire's shoulders as Claire did her homework or something. 

                                                                                                                                                                Y/n the kitten yawned as Claire did her homework, she reached one hand so she can scratch the kitten's ears making the kitten purr. Then, the kitten jumped off of Claire's shoulders and took off running. 'Sam and Dean must be back.' Claire thought as the h/c tail flicked once and disappeared around the corner. 

                                                                                                                                                                Sam had placed Y/n around his shoulders, she stuck her nose into Sam's hair and purred, happy to see Sam again. "She never gives me that type of affection," Dean grumbled. "All she gives me is scratches and hissing while she gives Sammy here purring and licking," Dean grumbled. "Well, if you actually helped out around the bunker instead of being a lazy ass she might actually like you," Sam fired back. "Bitch." Dean snapped. "Jerk." Sam snapped back, Y/n pitched in by hissing. 

                                                                                                                                                                  When it was time to go, Y/n had jumped onto Claire and licked her check and batted at her nose. Alexandra tried taking Y/n from Claire only to get bitten. Alexandra glared at Y/n as Sam carried her out of the house. When they returned to the bunker, she jumped out of the impala and took off running straight for the door. "Home sweet home." Sam chuckled and followed, Dean grumbled and followed too. 

                                                                                                                                                                   Y/n jumped onto the chair Sam usually sits and circles around, she plops down and yawns before stretching. "Sleeping," Dean grumbled. "That's all she does," Sam rolls his eyes. "That's what you do all day when we don't have any hunts."

                                                                                                                                                                     The very night, Sam got ready for bed. Y/n was already asleep using the pillow Sam usually sleeps with, he kissed the top of Y/n's head gently before climbing in. The next morning, Sam felt heavy weight on his chest and found 15 year old Y/n sleeping on top of him. She woke up from the movement and gave Sam a cheeky smile then she sat up. "Excuse me while I go murder Dean." Sam drops back to his bed and sighs when he hears a 'manly' scream from Dean. 

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