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Part two of TFW x reader. Requested by Camizawesome

                                                                                                                                                                      "I'm going to dieeeeeeeee!" Y/n whines, a baby with long dark hair and hazel eyes tugged on her shoe lace while another baby with blond hair and green eyes tugged on her finger, another was sitting on the floor looking at Y/n in confusion. She buries her face into a pillow and screams. Baby Sammy managed to climb up onto her back and gently patted in before laying down on top of her. Baby Dean got jealous and did the same. 

                                                                                                                                                                        She felt tiny and pudgy fingers holding onto her hand and suddenly someone pulled it back harshly making her yelp. She managed to turn her head and glared at the culprit. Dean. "Dean. Winchester. What do you want?" She hissed. "Pie?" He asked hopefully, her head falls back to the pillow while Sam patted the back of her head as if he were telling her this is going to be okay. 

                                                                                                                                                                         Taking care of two human babies and one angel baby was difficult. Cas kept popping in out, Dean was crying when he didn't get pie, and Sam kept ripping pages of lore books. At some point, Y/n had snapped. She sent Dean and Sam to the corners for a time out and Cas had gotten his trench coat and tie taken away and was sitting in a corner himself for popping in and out and scaring her multiple times. While they had their punishments, Y/n fixed up lunch for the two humans. Cas had stealthily popped in while she was distracted and reached over to grab his trench coat and tie. 

                                                                                                                                                                          His hand was slapped away making his lips quiver. "Back to your corner, Mr," Y/n scolded. "Or you won't get your trench coat and tie at all." Realizing Y/n was serious, he quickly rushed back to his corner and plopped himself down, lips still quivering. Finally at peace, Y/n finishes up lunch and let's the boys head to the kitchen so they can eat. Y/n took the chair where she can see Cas without trouble. "If I see you move from that spot, you're getting a spanking, Cas. Got it?" Getting a small whimper was a good enough answer for her. 

                                                                                                                                                                             The two boys finished their meals and returned to their corners as well. Y/n had plopped herself down on the couch and sighed. This is going to be a long, long, punishment for her. 

~time skip~

                                                                                                                                                                               Two months, that's how long Dean, Sam, and Cas were babies/children. She felt someone poking her cheek as she slept on the couch, someone poked her cheek again and she whacked whoever's hand it was away. Someone started shaking her while the other person continued poking her cheek. She snapped and slapped away even harder. "FUCK!" Her eyes snapped open and she saw Dean holding his hand. "That's what you get for waking me up," she grumbled. "Now," Sam and Dean raised an eyebrow at her. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW TIRESOME YOU THREE ARE!?!?! FOR CHUCK'S SAKE, HOW CAN ANYONE DEAL WITH YOU THREE?!?!" Sam opened his mouth to answer then shut it. "You do." Dean answered and took off running with Sam hot on his heels. "YOU TWO ARE GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME!!!!!"

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