Winchesters x reader

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Requested by KuraikoAndNekotashi  I will also like to make a shout out to MusicQueen127

Y/n's pov

                                         Ep! There goes another one! What in this good earth is going on?! I growled to myself, what am I pissed about? My ghost friends are disappearing one by one, they're my only friends!! I grabbed my duffel bag, and set out to find out what's going on.

Sam's pov

                                           "There goes another," I said, Dean sighed, and used his shovel as leverage. "Yup, let's go, and get some beer," said Dean. "Hold it!" We turned to see a girl, and she looked pissed. "Who the hell are you two?!" Dean, and I shared a look. "Shouldn't we be the one asking you?" I asked. "Answer my damn question," the girl snapped. "Why are you killing my friends?!" I had to blink several times. "Friends?!" Dean repeated. "These are spirits that are killing people!" The girl scoffed. "They're doing it because it's right," said the girl. "They want justice, they want revenge, avenge someone!"

                                           The girl huffed, and crossed her arms. "Look, these ghosts are killing people, we're trained to hunt these type of things," I said. "Hunting ghosts?" She scoffed. "I highly doubt that," Dean sighed. "Look, lady, this is serious stuff," said Dean. "Oh sure," she muttered, she stopped. "Of course they're wrong!" The girl snapped to someone on her right? Dean, and I shared a look. "Winchester?" That caught our attention. "What do you mean they hunted more of you?!" Shit, Dean, and I quietly gathered our stuff, and silently left the graveyard.

                                          We were forced to a stop when a ghost stood there with a knife, Dean, and I yanked out our guns. "You didn't think I'd let you go that easily did you?" I turned around while Dean looked at the ghost. "Why are you killing them?" I lowered the gun a bit. "They're killing people," I said. "We can't have any more deaths from them," she snorted. "They're doing what's right," said the girl. "By killing people?" I asked. "No, what they're doing is wrong," I said. "Can you call the ghost off?" Asked Dean, the ghost got closer to him. "Call her off!" The girl simply crossed her arms. "No," I cocked the gun. "Shoot me, and he's dead," said the girl. "Call. her. off," I growled. "As if she's a dog," said the girl. "No, I rather watch you two scream in pain as she kills you slowly," said the girl, she smirked as the ghost got closer, Dean shot at her, she disappeared then came back. "Call her off!" I shouted at her, I shot at her as well, but she only came back again. "Or what?" She asked. "You have no right to kill anymore ghosts!" Dean shot several more times at the ghost, but she kept coming back. "Listen to me, she's going to kill everyone in this town, then move to kill more people until the US is wiped clean of everyone," I said. "Including yourself," the girl frowned. "They wouldn't kill me, I'm their friend," said the girl. "You are now, but what happens when everybody, but you are dead?" I asked. "They'll kill you too." The girl didn't say anything, she thought about what I'm saying, and then, she started saying something in another language, and the ghost went up in flames. 

                                   Dean, and I sighed. "Are there anymore?" Asked Dean. "I can take care of the rest," said the girl. "I just hope you're right about the ghosts killing everyone thing," I sighed. "It is," I said. "Thank you," the girl gave us a faint smile. "Hey, we never caught your name," I added. "Y/n, Y/n, L/n. I um, don't have many friends," said Y/n. "When I found out I can talk to ghosts, it occur to me it was my only way of getting friends," Dean, and I shared a look. "Why don't you come with us?It's not everyday you get to meet someone that can speak, and see ghosts," said Dean. "You want me to come with you?" Asked Y/n. "After everything I just did to you two?" I shrugged. "Could get worse," I said. "But hey, we're always causing trouble everywhere we go, so we're pretty used to it," Y/n thought about it, and scoffed. "I don't have anything to loose, I have no friends, no family, nothing. Why not?" She answered. "Let me grab my stuff, and we can go." We piled into Baby, and Dean drove to Y/n's apartment, she grabbed her belongings, and we're off. What's going to happen in the future with Y/n with us? Will hunts on spirits, and ghosts be easier? Who knows, we'll just have to wait, and see. 

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