Dean x reader

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Requested by Risk_Dash

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                                 I watched Dean walk out of the bathroom, I smirked as I waited for the trap to spring. Dean's foot caught a string, and a bucket of goo spilled all over him. "You just got pranked!" I cheered, Sam burst out laughing. "For what?!" Asked Dean, he wiped the goo out of his eyes. "For pissing me off that's why!" Dean frowned. "Oh, it's so on!" 

                                                                                                                                                                For the rest of the day, it was constant pranking here in the bunker. Sam was dragged into it when Dean accidentally set a prank originally for me, I heard a yell from Dean meaning Sam caught him in another prank. I smirked, and finished with my master piece. I couldn't stop giggling as I finished gluing everything down in Sam's bedroom that isn't important, then in Dean's bedroom, I messed up his.......... ugh, porn collection that he has alphabetized, I shuddered at each one I picked up, then, I hid all of his beer collection around the bunker. 

                                                                                                                                                               I quickly dove away as I heard Sam, and Dean make an agreement for a small break. Both entered their own respected bedroom, and then, I wait. "Y/N!" I snickered, and casually walked in. "Yeeeesss?" Both gave me bitch faces. "You glued everything down in my bedroom," said Sam. "And you reordered my porn collection and hid all of my beer," said Dean. "Well," I said. "The glue that I used isn't normal so," I said. "Sam, if you want the glue to wash off, you need to stay off your laptop for a week, and I am serious or I won't give you the solution, and Dean, you need to share your pie if you want your beer." Dean's jaw dropped along with Sam's. "Fine," said Sam. "No way." Said Dean. "Fine," I said. "Guess it's all mine." 

                                                                                                                                                          Dean went first, he evenly cut the pie in half then handed it to me, I happily took a first bite only for Dean to kiss me all of a sudden. "You taste like pie." 

                                                                                                                                                           After a week passed, I handed Sam the solution along with his laptop, yes, I took it meaning there weren't any cases this week. "Don't do that again," said Dean. "It was not funny." I smiled. "Yes it was." 

I'm sorry this was short, pranking one shots were never my thing thus the reason why I don't write them much. 

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