Dean x reader

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I know I said I'm done with this book, but I recently listened to a song that Jensen sang, and that just gave me a great idea. Oh, and you're Dean's daughter, you're thirteen with blond hair, and green eyes. 

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                     My leg shook as I waited for the news of my mother, a doctor walked out of her room, and I instantly jumped up to my feet. "I'm sorry," my world crashed around me. "She told me to tell you to call this number," said the doctor, he handed me a piece of paper. "I'm sorry." He said, and left. 

                                                                                                                                        I unfolded the paper to see a number hastily written in my mother's messy handwriting, I pulled out my phone, and dialed the number. It rang once, twice, thrice, then four times till someone picked up. "This is Dean Winchester, who is this?" I gulped. "M-my mother told me to call this number," I said. "Your mother?" He repeated. "Who are you, kid?" I gulped again. "Y/n, Y/n Vargas," I said. "Your mother's name happens to be Natalie is it?" I stiffened. "It is, or was," I said. "Why?" Silence. "I'm sorry, did you say 'was'?" I wiped my nose with the back of my hand. "Yes," I said. "Where are you?" He asked. "Fairfax, Virginia," I said. "Inova Hospital," I heard a car screeching. "Sit tight, kid, we'll be there in a few hours," I frowned. "We?" I asked. "I have a brother," I nodded. "Okay," I sniffed, I was about to hang up. "Kid?" I held it back up. "Yeah?" I asked. "Do you, uh, know who your dad is?" I ran my fingers through my blond hair. "No," I said. "Though I would like to say my father has blond hair, and green eyes, my mother doesn't so it has to be him." Silence. "Listen to me, kid," said Dean. "I think I may be your father," I nearly dropped the phone in shock. "Explains a lot why your mother will tell you to call me, and how she knows my number," I didn't say anything. "Kid?" I hanged up. 

                                                                                                                                         I stayed by my mother's cold corpse for awhile until a team of nurses, and a doctor came to take her away, I walked out to the waiting room, and sat down on a plastic chair, I sniffed before the tears fell down. I heard two pairs of footsteps. "Kid?" I looked up to see the owner of the voice, the same voice that was on the phone. "Hey," he greeted me, I was right, he did have blond hair, and green eyes. "It's best we talk outside." I didn't say anything, all he did was offer me his hand, and I took it. 

                                                                                                                                         He lead me outside where I found another man leaning against a very impressive car, he had shoulder length dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a moose like appearance. "This is Sam," said Dean. "He may or may not be your uncle," Sam gave me smile. "I think she is your kid, Dean," said Sam. "She has your eyes, and hair, hell, even your freckles!" My hand immediately went to my face, I had hoped nobody would be able to notice them. "Relax, kid," said Dean. "We won't make fun of them," I scoffed, and crossed my arms. "I understand you're mad," said Dean, he placed his hands on my shoulder. "I may not have been in your life for thirteen years, but I'm going to make those years up," said Dean. "I have five more years, and I'm going to make those years the best years of your life." 

                                                          *time skip*

Dean's pov 

                                                                                                                                           A year passed, Sam........... died, Y/n fell into depression, and I'm almost at the brink of giving up on hunting. I had an arm around Y/n's waist, her head resting on my shoulder as we walked back to the impala with our bags on my back. "Tired?" I asked, she nodded. "C'mere." I said, I scooped her up, and carried her to the impala. 

                                                                                                                                            I placed her in the passenger seat, and did the seat belt for her, I pushed a strand of blond hair out of her closed eyes. Sam's death made a major impact on her, same goes for me, but Sam always knew what to do to make her day better when I couldn't. I kissed her forehead, she's all I had now, and I'm all she has now too. If I want to protect my baby girl, I have to stop this, I have to stop hunting, I have to leave that life, and settle down for a new one where my baby girl will always be safe, where my baby girl will be able to have a normal life......... a life Sam once wanted. 

I think there's one more one shot where I got my inspiration from, I'm not sure, but it's most likely it is. I won't be updating much often so be patient, too. 

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