Jared x reader(with a hint of Stephen A)

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                                                                                                                                                          "How do we open this again?" Stephen asked Jared, Jared sighs. "Wait, someone's coming to help you." Jensen said and took a swig of his beer. When Stephen was about to question Jensen's sentence, a small, delicate, s/c hand gently took Stephen's wrist that held a small knife, he felt someone leaning against his back and a chin gently resting on top of his shoulder. "Put some pressure onto the cork," a soft and very velvety voice ordered and Stephen obeyed. "A bit more," he put more pressure and there was a loud pop! "There you go," the same velvety voice said, Stephen turned his head to see a beautiful woman about Jared's age. "Hi." She greeted.

                                                                                                                                                             Stephen gaped at her as she left his side so she can go kiss Jared's cheek. "Hey, bro," she greeted. "I'm your twin, twin, Y/n!" The said woman stuck her tongue out childishly. "Love you, bro!" She said and took off running and Jared took off making Jensen chuckle. 

                                                                                                                                                                There was a high pitched squealing. Jared returned with Y/n thrown over his shoulder. "What is with you and Jensen throwing me over your shoulders?!" Jensen smirked. "Cause it's fun," he wagged his eyebrows. "Asshole," she muttered. "Dickhead,"  Jensen fired back. "Whoa, okay, no," said Stephen. "There are children here." Y/n punched Jared's shoulder when he placed her down. "I hate you." Jared kissed her forehead. "Love you, too." 

                                                                                                                                                                 Several days later, Jared was looking for Y/n, but hasn't seen her in hours making him worry. "Gen, have you seen Y/n?" Gen looked up at her tall husband. "Yeah, she went out with Stephen." Jared did a double take. "SHE IS WHAT?!"

                                                                                                                                                                  Meanwhile, the said 'couple' were at Starbucks drinking coffee. "God, this is perfect," Stephen commented. "You mean, 'Chuck, this is perfect'," Y/n corrected. "Right, Supernatural," Stephen realized. "Yeah," Y/n twirled her cold drink. "May I kiss you?" Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you have manners?" She joked. "I'm serious," she sighs. "We barely even know each other," said Y/n. "That's what dates are for," Stephen countered, she thought about it. "True," she agreed, he reached over and took her hand. "So, may I kiss you?" She rolled her eyes and kissed him instead. 

                                                                                                                                                                   "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF MY SISTER, AMELL." Fuck

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