Dean x reader part 2!

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Y/n's pov 

                           "Shit," I cursed. "Aren't you on the pill?" Asked Dean. "No, and I know you didn't use condom," I said. "Which means I have a chance of getting pregnant," Dean gently rubbed circles on my abdomen. "If you do get pregnant, I won't make you get an abortion if you want the kid," said Dean. "I'm sure Sammy will help," I sighed. "Look, babe, you can't just instantly become pregnant that quickly," said Dean. "I'm sure everything will be fine." I took a deep breath, and nodded. "Okay." I said.

                                              *time skip*

                           Sam, and Dean left for a case with Garth. I slid out of bed, and got dressed, Mother Nature hasn't visited me for a week. 'I better check.' I thought, I slipped into the bathroom, and took the test, I waited for five minutes, and checked................ it said positive. Oh fuck. 

                           I quickly started packing up, I threw my duffel bag over my shoulder, and grabbed my bike, I know it's not a good idea, but I don't have any other vehicle to get me out of here. I brought the bike to a stop, and pulled out my phone, Sam can track my phone down anytime, I tossed the phone, and drove off again. 

                                                         *time skip*

                            "Mommy! Mommy!" Said a little girl. "John's being mean again!" I sighed, and stood up from what I was doing before my daughter disturbed me. "Alright, Mary, let's go see your brother." I said, I had twins somehow, weird.  

                             Little Mary lead me over to where she, and her twin brother were playing. "Mary's lying, Mommy! She started it!" John fired back. "No I'm not! He is!" Said Mary. "Okay, okay, enough," I said. "Enough, both of you," both twins glared at each other as I made them sit down on the couch. "Okay, tell me what happened, one at a time," Mary went first, she explained she was playing with blocks, and she was building a tower, John had knocked it down, and ran off, John's story was slightly similar to his twin's, but he said he wanted to play with her only for Mary to knock the building down which caused John to run, and Mary to catch him, and that's how the fight broke out. 

                            I sighed, and pinched the bridge of my nose, I opened my mouth to speak only for a knock to stop me. "I'll deal with you two later," I said, and left to answer the door, when I peered through the peep hole my throat went dry. "Open the door, this is the FBI." Said a voice, I swallowed hard, and opened the door. "What can I do for you two?" I asked, the officers gaped at me in shock. "Y/n?!" I sheepishly shrugged my shoulders. "Hi?" 

                             I let the two men inside to the living room where they saw the children. The children's eyes met Dean's, both had his eyes. "A-Are they yours?" Asked Dean. "Yes," I answered, Mary, and John hid behind me, they peered over curiously. "Who's the father?" Asked Sam. "You tell me." I said, Sam, and Dean indeed looked at the children, Mary looked just like her father while John looked more like me with Dean's eyes. 

                            "I can't believe this," said Dean. "You were gone for four years, and during those four years you gave birth, and raised these kids by yourself?" I crossed my arms. "Of course," I said. "Mommy?" Mary asked. "Who are they?" I got down to their level. "Well, the man with the puppy dog eyes, moose like appearance and seriously needs to get a haircut is your uncle Sammy," I said, Sam childishly stuck his tongue out at me, and I did the same. "And the man besides your uncle Sammy is your daddy," Dean's eyes lightened up when I said that, Mary gasped. "Really?" She asked excitingly. "Mmhm," I hummed, Mary squealed, and tackled Dean. "Whoa! I did not expect this welcome," Dean chuckled, he swiftly scooped Mary up making her squeal. "I've never seen him this happy before," said Sam. "Nor have I," I agreed, I noticed John's still clutching onto my leg tightly. "Hey, John, why don't you spend some time with your father?" I asked. "Don't want to," John muttered, Sam instantly scooped John up making him yelp. "Then you can hang out with me then," said Sam. "Hey, that's my kid too!" Dean protested, he had Mary in his arms. "Then maybe you should've played with him then," said Sam, Dean rolled his eyes. "I wanna play with Uncle Sammy!" Said Mary, she reached over for Sam, and Sam took her from Dean. "Mary, and John?" Dean questioned me when Sam left. "I knew that's what you would name them," I said, Dean snaked his arm around my waist. "Yeah, I would have," Dean agreed, we heard squealing coming from our children. "Though I would like to say Winchester fits better," I smiled. "Agreed," I said, I rested my head on Dean's shoulder, and Dean rested his on top of mine. "Come home." I gently cupped Dean's cheek, and kissed him slowly, and passionately. "Yes." 

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