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This is a crossover and I hope Risk_Dash will be able to recognize what that crossover is so, let's get this shit over with. 

                                             Jumping from building to building was a young boy in his teens. Reaching up to his comm, he contacted his father. "No sign of her. It's like she went poof," there was sigh from the other end. "Keep looking. She couldn't have gone far," a deep, gruff voice said on the other end. "All of you, keep looking. Like Robin said, she couldn't have just disappeared in thin air." 
                                               Robin, The Boy Wonder, sighs. Wondering where a dear friend of his had taken off to. He clenches his jaw, knowing it was Todd's fault for driving her off in anger. 


                                                "I still think it's a bad idea for you to come with us, Y/n," said the older Winchester. "Like, the hell will the Dark Knight do to us?" Slamming the trunk of the impala was sixteen year old Y/n Todd(yes the sister of the guy who drove her off). "Probably beat the living shit out of you," she answers. "Both of us?" The younger Winchester exclaimed. "Probably," she shrugs. "Now, do you want to get the hell out of here or not? I sure as hell don't want Daddybats on my tail." 
                                                    How the hell did Y/n know the Winchesters? Well, here's the shorter story of what happened. She thought she found a clue to finding Croc only to be kidnapped by a Wendigo. The Winchesters dove in to save her and the victims that were holed up with her. Sam had stitched her up, and gave her his number in case if she ever needed their help. 
                                                    She watched the scenery change and she saw the sign that says "You are now leaving Gotham. Come back soon!" Y/n mentally scoffed. 'Come back my ass.' She thought, she glanced at the Winchesters and looked outside again. 'I'm free from them.' 
~time skip~

                                                      Four years later, the Batfamily hasn't stopped looking for Y/n Todd. Batman refused to stop. Even as Bruce Wayne, he couldn't get a clue. Until one day. He got word that someone had seen a girl that looked like Y/n. She was with two men. One was tall, well built, and had long dark hair. The other was fairly tall, also well built, and short sandy hair. The girl had h/c hair h/l f/c dyed hair. 
                                                        As Batman, he obtained as much information he could get his hands on her. Finally pinpointing her location, he and Robin followed it to a rundown, and shady looking motel. When the two men announced they were leaving for the bar, Robin carefully opened the window and slipped inside with Batman following him. 
                                                         The bathroom door opened and the girl shrieked. "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, PERVERTS!" She shrieked. "Y/n?" Robin said. "Get out!" She threw a kitchen knife at him. "Y/n, where were you this entire time?" Batman demanded. "None of your fucking business." She spat, the motel door swung open. "Forgot some-oh shit," a voice trailed off. "We're in deep shit." 
                                                            "Do you have any idea how worried we were for you? Especially Red Hood?" Batman demanded. "Red Hood refused to rest until he found you! He had the entire Outlaws looking for you, dammit! I even had to contact the League to help me look for you!" Y/n scoffs, she's sitting in between the two Winchesters. "So what?" She spat. "He's the reason why I took off. And if my memory serves me right, he's the one who said. "Get the hell out of here. I wish you were never born."," silence. "That doesn't mean you have the right to leave." Batman snapped. "Fuck off. I was sixteen, I was free to do whatever the hell I wanted to do," she spat. "At least these two bozos are better father figures than you." That hurt. 
                                                               "Look, I understand you were worried. Really," said Sam. "But I assure you, she was safe with us. We normally leave her behind to help with research. Not once has she ever gone on a hunt." She snorted. "Yeah, right. Like how I had to save your sorry asses when it came to hunting a werewolf?" She scoffed. "Okay, you just crossed the line," Dean grunted. "Shut up, Dean," Y/n muttered. "You can't tell me to shut up, I'm older than you!" Dean said. "Whatever, old man." Dean's face turned red, he wanted to snap at her, but he couldn't since she was a younger sister to him.
                                                                  "Y/n, come back. He misses you. He went into depression, he drank, he never eats, hell, he can't even sleep right!" Y/n opened her mouth to snap back, but there was a valley of bullets. Something flew into the room through the open window, a sleep gas. It knocked everyone in there, Batman and Robin were too late to put their gas masks on. 
                                                                     A figure slipped in and grabbed Y/n. Before leaving, the kidnapper sprayed a message on the wall. When the four of the men regain consciousness, they saw the message. "Hahahaha, nice try Batsy! Want the girl? Come and find me! And bring Hoodie too!" Joker. He kidnapped Y/n!
                                                                      The Winchesters refused to let them take care of Joker, Y/n was basically a sister to the them and they won't let that psychopath do anything to her. Filled with rage, Red Hood took off without thinking. That psychopath took him away from his beloved sister and now he's taking her from him and that is unacceptable. He's going to tear limb from limb and he will enjoy every second of it
                                                                         By the time they had reached the location, Joker was already gone. In the middle of the warehouse, was Y/n. With a knife in her gut. She was gone. Gone from the world. And Red Hood blamed himself for everything that had happened to her. I'm sorry for failing you, Y/n.  

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