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12: "I'm never going to leave you. Promise." 

13: "why did you leave? Did I do something wrong?" 

14: "dammit, Y/n, I wish you weren't so stubborn." 

15: "you promised me that you'd stay by my side. You broke that promise by dying." 

16: "come back, you were my other half." 

17: "don't be afraid, I'm here." 

18: "did I ever tell you I love you? Like a lot?" 

19: "you're unbelievable." 

20: "you're such a dork." 

21: "but I'm your dork aren't I?" 

22: "get that sorry ass of yours out of that car or I'll kick that ass all the way to hell." 

23: "don't you dare scratch Baby! Shit! You scratched her!" 

24: "I think you love that car more than me." 

25: "yup, he loves that car more than you." 

26: "thanks for the vote of confidence." 

27: "the sarcasm is not appreciated." 

28: "are you serious?" 

29: "so, what do you say? Wanna join in this crazy shit plan?" 

30: "that is the worst plan I've ever heard of........... I'm totally in!" 

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