Winchesters x Bethany

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Yes, you can request for OCs or an imagine for yourself and this one belongs to xXx_TeenWolfGirl_xXx Also. WARNING! CURSING! When, when is there never cursing in SPN XDXD

                                                                                                                                                 16 year old Bethany Winchester, sister of Dean and Sam, carefully took Baby's keys from Dean's jacket pocket and very quietly slipped out. 'Ha.' She cheered in her head and took off cheering to herself in her mind. She carefully slipped past Sam's room then started to run when she reached the door. 

                                                                                                                                                She opened the driver's door to and slipped in all giddy. She ignited the engine and drove off. Hours of driving Baby, she came to a stop and got out in excitement. Dean's going to bite her ass, but did she care? Probably not. 


                                                                                                                                                Someone banged on Sam's bedroom door making him groan. "SAM, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU PUT BABY'S KEYS?!" Sam sighs and gets out of bed and opens the door. "I don't have it," Sam groans. "Dammit, Dean, why do you want to drive Baby this late?" Sam asked. "Just because," Dean grumbled. "Also, if you don't have it then Bethany most have it." Dean growled, he marched towards his younger sister's bedroom and kicked the door open only to find an empty bedroom. "DAMMIT! SHE TOOK BABY'S KEYS!!" 

                                                                                                                                                 Bethany returned three hours later, holding an adorable Australian Shepherd puppy! 

                                                                                                                                                 Bethany returned three hours later, holding an adorable Australian Shepherd puppy! 

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                                                                                                                                                Bethany quietly opened the door to the bunker and slipped inside. "Bethany Winchester, you are dead," Dean growled. "AND YOU ADOPTED A PUPPY?!" Bethany pursed her lip. "Of course I did," she replied, she held the puppy up. "Isn't he cute?! I named him Blue!" Dean scowled. "Dean." Sam started. "Shut up, Sammy," and Sam did. "You are so reckless, Bethany!" Dean scowled. "Well, so are you!" Bethany snapped, the two bickered back and forth while Sam stood there awkwardly. "I HATE YOU, DEAN!" And Bethany stormed off to her bedroom. 

                                                                                                                                                "Great job, Dean," Sam congratulated. "I'm going to check on her," Sam said walking towards Bethany's bedroom. "Beth, can I come in?" He heard something striking the door. "If that was a pillow then I can tell you're not as mad as you were earlier," there was a muffled response. "Fuck off, Sam," Sam sighs. "You know where I'll be." 

                                                                                                                                                 Blue whimpered, he batted at the side of Bethany's head, trying to gain her attention then started licking her cheek when he couldn't gain her attention. Bethany smiles and sits up, she scratches the back of his head. There was a flap of wings. Cas. "Hey, Cas," Bethany greets. "Bethany, you are mad." Cas commented,  she opens her arms and Cas pulled her in for a hug. Even though he was an angel, damn, he was good at hugging. 

                                                                                                                                                  Someone knocked on the door. "It's Dean," said Cas. "I'm not letting him in," Bethany grumbled. "I can hear you," said Dean. "Look, I just want to apologize, okay? You can keep the puppy too if you want, but it better stay out of my room or he's out of here, got it?" Bethany rolled her eyes. "Yes, Dad," she sarcastically replied, Dean huffs and leaves and Cas had to leave too. "Bye, Cas," Bethany gave him another hug and he hugged back. "I am happy you and Dean made up." He said and took off. "Yeah," Bethany agreed. "Me too." 

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