Winchesters x reader

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You have sandy blond hair like Dean, and hazel eyes like Sam's

Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                                     I thought I heard someone enter my apartment, I got out of bed, and walked around. I noticed that the window was open, I saw a shadow, and I followed, and I attacked. The figure easily won. "Easy, tiger," said a familiar voice. "Dean?" I asked, he started to chuckle. "You scared the crap out of me," I said, Dean chuckled again. "Cause you're out of practice," said Dean, I easily flipped him over. "Or not," said Dean. "Get off of me," I got off, and helped him up. "Dean, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, I was looking for a beer," said Dean. "What the hell are you doing here?" I repeated. "Okay, alright," said Dean. "We got to talk," said Dean. "Uh, the phone?" I suggested. "If I called, would you picked up?" Asked Dean, the lights flicked on. "Sam?" I turned to see Jess. "Jess, hey," I said. "Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica," I said. "Wait, your brother Dean?" Jessica asked. "You know, I love the Smurfs, you know I gotta tell you, you are totally out of my brother's league," said Dean. "Just..... let me put something on," said Jess, she was about to leave. "No, no, no, I wouldn't dream of it, seriously," said Dean. "Anyway, I need to borrow your Barbie boyfriend to talk about private family business, but it was nice meeting you," said Dean. "No," I said, I wrapped my arm around Jess. "Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of her," I said. "Okay," said Dean. "Dad hasn't been home for a few days," said a female voice, she stepped forward....... Y/n, her sandy hair is in a simple braid, her hazel eyes meeting mine, she wore a black leather jacket with black combat boots, black jeans, and finger less gloves. "So he's working overtime at a miller time Shaftoe, and stumble back sooner or later," I said ignoring Y/n. "Let me rephrase that," said Y/n. "Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days." That's a whole different situation. "Excuse us, Jess." I muttered, I grabbed a jacket, and followed Dean out. 

Y/n's pov 

                                                                                                                                           "You coming, n/n?" Dean asked. "I prefer to stay," I said. "Your loss." Said Dean, and he, and Sam are gone. "So," said the blond. "You're Sam's baby sister," I looked at her. "I'm fourteen, not exactly a baby," I said. "Sam said you're a bubbly, and kind girl," said the blond. "Except you're not," I snorted. "Yeah, that's what happens when the brother that practically protected you leaves for his selfish needs," I said, she looked hurt. "What caused you to be like this?" She asked. "That's personal, and I prefer to keep it to myself." I said, I heard footsteps, Dean, and Sam returned. "Okay, um, I'm going with my siblings to help out," said Sam. "I'll be back just in time for the interview," said Sam. "Is your dad okay?" Asked the blond. "I'm sure he will be, Jess," said Sam. "Y/n, wanna help me pack?" I glanced at Dean, and he gestured me to help.

                                                                                                                                          I followed Sam into his bedroom. "What's gotten into you?" He asked. "I've never seen you like this before," I snorted. "Why do you care?" Sam looked like he's a kicked puppy. "Y/n," he began. "Fine! You want to know?!" I cut him off. "It's because you left, Sam! You promised me you won't leave yet you did! And when you left, Dad started abusing me! And when Dean found out, he took the hits for me! Dad made me watch, and he saunters off to get drunk while I'm forced to take care of Dean!" I said, tears started to fall. "How was a ten year old girl supposed to deal with that?" Sam brushed my tears away. "Y/n, I'm sorry you had to go through that," he said softly. "But I left because I didn't want that life," I didn't say anything. "I know I had to leave you, and Dean behind, but if it meant having a normal life I'd do it." I wrenched myself away from him. "See what I mean, Sam?" I asked. "You're selfish." I wounded him, but I didn't care, he deserved it.

                                                                                                                                       I walked out of the bedroom, Dean looked worried when I did, I launched myself into his arms, and silently began to sob.

Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                      Y/n fell asleep in Dean's arms, he carried her back to the impala, and strapped her in, I got in too. "Is it true?" I asked while Dean was driving. "What is?" He asked. "The abusing part," I said. "Did he really abuse Y/n?" Dean didn't answer for a bit. "He did." I looked back at Y/n...... I can't believe my baby sister had to go through that.

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