Jared x reader

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You have hazel eyes, and dark hair. 

Jared's pov

                                                                                                                                  "Dad, don't!" Maddie, aka Y/n, cried out. "Don't do this!" I held her shoulders. "I'm sorry," I said, I kissed her forehead. "Stay with your uncle, I love you." I held her close. "And cut, got job you two." We released each other. "That was great, kiddo," I said ruffling her hair, she pushed my hand away, and held me tight. "Don't leave me, Daddy, don't ever leave me," I softened, and held her close to me. "Never," someone clapped my back. "I hate to ruin the moment, but we really need to get ready for our next scene," said Jensen, I released her. "Alright," I said. "Take a break, Y/n, we'll be back soon." Y/n nodded, and walked away towards our shared trailer. 

                                                                            *time skip*

                                                                                                                                    The next scene was were Sam died, I could tell Y/n was really crying during that scene, and not shedding fake tears. I held her close to me. "I'm here, doe, I'm here," I murmured against her forehead. "It felt so real," she whimpered against my chest, I kissed the top of her head. "I know it did," I said. "I'm not leaving you, not until I see you graduate from high school, college, get married, and have kids," Y/n looked up. "You want grandkids?" She asked. "Of course your dad wants grandkids!" Said Jensen. "Who doesn't?" Y/n frowned. "Um, those who hate kids?" She suggested. "Ah, fuck them," said Jensen, I punched his shoulder. "Dude!" Jensen raises his hands in defense making Y/n laugh. "There's that laugh," I softly said. "Y/n! We need you!" Said a voice. "Coming!" Said Y/n, she gave me one more hug, and left. "She was scared," I said. "She was scared that I really did die," Jensen nodded. "Who wouldn't feel that way?" He asked. "Any girl that played as Maddie will feel the same," I sighed. "Come on, let's see Y/n's next scene." I said. "Sure thing." Said Jensen, and we headed for the set.

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                   I, or Maddie, was alone in the motel, I wiped my 'tears' away, and sniffed. "Still not over his death I see," said Mark, I jumped up to my feet with a demon blade in hand. "What do you want, Crowley?" I asked. "Just leave me alone," Mark/Crowley smiled. "How about we make a deal?" He asked. "A..... deal?" I repeated. "Yes, yes a deal," said Mark/Crowley. "You sell your soul, and life to me then your moose of a father comes back alive." I shook my head. "You're lying," I finally said. "Get out, get out before I kill you," Crowley frowned. "I am hurt that you would say that," said Mark/Crowley. "Go away!" There was a bright flash, Misha/Castiel stood there standing in front of me protectively. "Leave while you have the chance, Crowley," said Castiel. "And we will not harm you," Mark/Crowley scoffed. "Very well," said Mark/Crowley. "My dear, the offer still stands." I clung onto Misha/Castiel. "And cut." I released Misha, he kissed the top of my head, and whispered. "Good job." And walked away. 

                                                                                                                                 When I stepped off the set, Dad had his arms around me. "I love you, doe," I didn't explain why he calls me doe did I? Well, since he's nicknamed moose, it was reasonable to nickname me doe. "I love you too, Daddy," I sniffed, Dad rubbed soothing circles on my back. "Don't worry, doe, I'm not leaving," said Dad, he rested his cheek on top of my head. "I'm not." I felt someone pulling me close to his chest. "Yeah, he's not leaving," said Jensen, he kissed the top of my head, and held me close. "We're not leaving you." I smiled, yeah, this is my family. 

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