Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalicki x Stephen Amell

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I know I said this book was discontinued, but I couldn't get this idea out of my head. Also, watch the video and this one shot will make sense. You are Jared's younger sister. Stephen is not married in this one shot btw

Jared's pov

                                                                                                                                                                "Okay, so my question is are you okay with your sister dating Stephen Amell?!" I groaned while Jensen patted by back. "To answer your question, no, Jared is not happy," Jensen answered. "Not at all," I answered. "Okay, so, how did they meet?" The fan asked. "It all started when Y/n moved in with me." I started


                                                                                                                                                                  "Jared," Y/n sang, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and placed her head on my back, I turned and looked at her. "What?" She gave me a cheeky smile. "I heard Stephen Amell lives right across from you and you two are good friends. So, can I meet him?" I bit my lip as Y/n gave me the puppy eyes. "Why did I teach you that look?" I grumbled. "Fine." Y/n cheered. 

                                                                                                                                                                      There was a knock, it was Stephen, the two met, spoke for hours. The very next day, he took her out for a coffee date. 

Flashback over

                                                                                                                                                                       "Aw," a voice rang out, an all too familiar voice. "My big bro isn't happy," of course, Y/n happily jump onto my lap and gave me a quick kiss to my cheek. "Love you, bro," I sigh, and wrap my arm so she's secure in my embrace. "Hey, n/n." Jensen greeted. "Hey, J," Y/n greeted back, people started talking and Y/n snatched my mic. "Alright, alright, calm down," everyone calmed down. "Now, about the questions....." 

                                                                                                                                                                          "How long have you and Stephen been dating?" Asked a fan. "A little over five years," answered Y/n. "The reason why it's been fives years is because, well, Stephen and I were having a few arguments here and there. Not every couple is perfect, you know?" Y/n shrugs. "They're nothing major, just small arguments. Stephen often feels guilty and just surprises me by leaving bouquets of flowers, or stuffed animals, sometimes dinner, too," I sigh. "I remember the first time they argued," I added. "Stephen called me and he was frantic. He was freaking out about a fight." Y/n shrugs. "He was cute, though." She added

                                                                                                                                                                           "I love Stephen Amell, I really do," Y/n answered a fan's question. "When I first met Grant Gustin, Stephen decided to bring me onto the Flash/Arrow set and Grant came up to me saying he was intimidated by Stephen," Y/n laughed. "Very intimidated." Y/n chuckled

                                                                                                                                                                              "Question!" Jensen shouted. "Who here ships Padell?!" The crowd cheered while I face palmed. "Who here thinks Stephen Amell is lucky to have Y/n Padalecki soon to be Mrs. Amell?!" A new voice shouted out through a mic then more cheering while I turned and stared at Stephen. "YOU PROPOSED WITHOUT MY PERMISSION?!" Y/n grabbed me and shouted. "RUN, STEPHEN! RUN LIKE HELL HOUNDS ARE CHASING YOU!" And Stephen ran. 

                                                                                                                                                                                 "SHOW MERCY, JARED! HE'S MY FIANCE AND YOUR SOON TO BE BROTHER IN LAW!" 

Also, I published a new Supernatural book called Half Human, Half Angel. I hope you enjoyed this one shot, I may come back at some point and if I do, I hope I get some requests! The prompts will be open if I do decided to continue this book again

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