Sam x reader

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Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                                    "You're so damn cute, you know that right?" I chuckled, I heard a small kitten sneeze then a sniffle. "Shut up, Sam," Y/n sniffled. "Hand me another tissue box, please?" I grabbed another box and handed it to her. "I hate being sick, I can't go on hunts with you and Dean anymore," she sniffed. "It's just a simple salt and burn. Cas is going with him," I said. "Sammy, I'm cold. Cuddle?" I sighed and climbed into bed with her. "You're so warm. What are you, a furnace?" I chuckled. "More like a human furnace," Y/n chuckled before humming as her answer. "Y/n?" No answer, I realized she fell asleep because of me and I tucked her into bed. 

                                                                                                                                                         I walked out of her bedroom and I heard the bunker door opening. "Sam! We're back!" I sighed. "I can hear you, Dean, no need to shout," I sighed, Dean walked in with Cas close behind. "Where's Sleeping Beauty?" Dean asked. "Still asleep," I said. "Shall I heal her?" Asked Cas. "Let her sleep for now. You can ask her when she wakes up," I said. "I'm already awake," I heard a hoarse voice. "What are you doing up?" I asked. "Ugh, my nose is killing me along with my head," Y/n grumbled. "People cannot die like that," Cas commented. "Figuratively, Cas, figuratively," Y/n sniffed. "And the healing thing sounds nice right now," she added, Cas pressed his index and middle finger against her forehead and Y/n had stopped sniffling. "Free!" She cheered, I pressed my palm against her forehead to feel coolness. "Thanks, Cas," said Y/n. "Sammy, can we cuddle again?" I rolled my eyes, and threw her over my shoulder making her squeal loudly. "Sammy!" I laughed. "What? You said you wanted to cuddle."  

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