Winchesters x reader

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The picture is for later. 

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                        I watched Dad and Uncle Moose leave for another hunt with Uncle Cas. It was already dark when I finished getting ready for bed and climbed into the lumpy motel bed and pulled the covers up. I yawned softly and fell asleep. 

                                                                                                                                                         I felt getting moved by someone, I woke up instantly and realized I'm not in bed, heck, I'm not even in the motel anymore! I saw three figures running out of the motel. "Dad!" I shouted. "Baby girl!" I heard Dad yelling out. "Hang on!" I started pounding my fist against whoever is kidnapping me. "Let go, you bastard!" I yelled, I started scratching and biting as much as I could and then, I'm lights out. 

                                                                                                                                                          When I woke up again, I found myself in a train wearing some kind of uniform, a fluffy pink dress and a white swan pinned on the right side of my chest. I looked out of the window to see the train passing through what looked like kingdoms to me. "Hi!" A voice said making me jump, I turned to see a girl about my age. "I'm Anari, what's your name?" She piped cheerfully. "Y-Y/n," I stuttered. "Wow, you're shy," she pointed out. "Thanks," I mumbled. "I didn't mean it in a bad way," said Anari. "Oh! We're here!" Anari said cheerfully. "Where is 'here' exactly?" I asked, she looked at me like I'm crazy or something. "The School For Good of course!" She answered. "Come on! We need to hurry up or we'll lose the group!" Anari said, she grabbed my hand and dragged me off the train. 

                                                                                                                                                          We found a large group of girls and followed them. Like me, they too wore fluffy pink dresses and a swan pinned on their right chest. Something fluttered over to me and dropped something into my hand, I opened it to see some kind of letter. 

                                                                               Y/n Mary Of Lawrence, Kansas

1. How to be a princess/breakfast
2. Beautification 
3. Lunch
4. Magic and the power of a princess
5. Dance
6. Music
7. Forest walk and magic identification/dinner

                                                                                                                                                             'How to be a princess?' I thought, a hand grabbed me making me jump only to realize Anari had grabbed me. "Come on! We need to get to our dorms!" She said and pulled me forward. We reached a dorm where two other girls were already sitting on their respectful bunks. One girl jumped up and grabbed our hands and shook. "Hi! My name is Kiko! What are your names?" She said it so fast that I had to blink a couple of times before actually register what she just said. "Anari!" Anari said cheerfully. "And that's Y/n." I gave Kiko a small smile. "Hi! Welcome to our dorm!" She said cheerfully. "That's Andi, say hi, Andi!" The girl, Andi, looked up and down of me then said. "Stay out of my way and we're good." Kiko placed her hands on her hips. "Andi! Be nice!" Kiko scolded, this is going to be a long year. 

                                                                           *time skip*

                                                                                                                                                               There are two schools, one for good and the other is evil. I saw how the evil kids looked like and I couldn't help but shudder, they remind me of the monsters that Dad and Uncle Sam hunt. Dad. Uncle Sam. I miss them. Very much in fact. Someone bumped into me making me trip over my own feet but a hand grabbed me and pulled me close to someone's chest(look at picture, but you're in shock). I looked up to see a handsome boy holding me close to him, my cheeks flushed. 

                                                                                                                                                                 "You okay?" He asked. "I am," I said. "Can you release me?" I asked, he looked confused until he realized he's still holding me. "Oh, sorry," he said and let go of me, I blushed even harder and he started to blush himself. "Tedros," he said. "Sorry?" I said. "Tedros, that's who I am," he said. "Y/n," I said, he took my hand and gently kissed my knuckle. "Beautiful name," he said making my blush deepen. "I am merely telling the truth," said Tedros smiling. "Thank you," I said. "I best return to my dorm," I said. "Shall I walk you back?" Tedros asked. "If you wish." I said. "Then I shall." He smiled, we walked side by side while talking to each other, getting a chance to know each other. 

                                                                                                                                                                  "I had a fine day by just talking to you," said Tedros, I smiled. "So do I, Tedros," I said. "Goodnight, Tedros, I shall see you again," I said, just when I was about to close the door Tedros stopped me. "Will I ever see you again?" I opened the door a bit more. "I'm sure we will, Tedros," I said. "Then I will wait for that day," Tedros said, I smiled again. "Goodnight, Tedros." I said, before I shut the door, I heard Tedros say. "Goodnight, my fair lady." 

                                                                                                                                                                     Just when I turned, I was cornered by Anari and Kiko. "Spill!" Anari squealed. "Yes! Spill!" Kiko agreed. "We just talked that's it," I said. "It was more than that!" Said Anari. "Y/n, you just talked to Tedros of Camelot!" My mind just went *boom* I quickly recovered from my shock. "He and I just talked," I repeated. "A simple talk and that's it," I said. "But it was more than that," said Kiko. "Agreed," said Anari. "Oh, please," said Andi. "I'm sure he wasn't interested in a girl like her," said Andi. "I'm sure it was a joke that his friends told him to do," I crossed my arms. "Liar," I fired. "Bitch," she fired back. "Andi!" Kiko scolded. "Look, Tedros wouldn't go for a girl like her," said Andi. "She's too boyish," I scoffed. "I am not," I said. "You're just jealous." I said. "Please, he's going to be my prince once I graduated," said Andi. "While you're stuck as an animal," I clenched my knuckles. "Andi, that's enough!" Said Anari. "Fine," said Andi. "Bye, bitch." 

                                                                                                                                                                       The only bunk that was open for me was the bunk closest to Andi. Kiko switched places with me happily. I laid on my back and started to wonder what tomorrow will bring. 'Unless Andi ruins it,' I grumbled. 'Dad, Uncle Sam, Uncle Cas, are you three looking for me?' 

3rd person view

                                                                                                                                                                        Y/n's question hangs in the air. Are the three looking for her? Dean paced back and forth, he ran his fingers through his already disheveled hair for the hundredth time. "Dean, we're going to find her," said Sam. "Just calm down," that snapped Dean. "Calm down? CALM DOWN?! HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN, SAM?! I LOST MY DAUGHTER! MY BELOVED BABY GIRL!" Sam grimaced at his shouting. "Dean," he said calmly. "Cas asked Gabriel to look her too. Hell, even Crowley is looking for her," said Sam. "Shocker that Crowley is looking for her. Anyways, we will find her. We'll bring her home." Dean sat down in a chair and sighed. "I just hope my baby girl is safe."   

Yes, there will be a part two. This is an actual book and I highly recommend you to read it. It's called the School For Good And Evil. Kiko and Tedros are actual characters while Anari and Andi aren't btw. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Vote, comment, and request! 

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