Winchesters x reader part 2!

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Part 2 of Perfect, I recommend reading that before reading this. Oh, and this is also a crossover of Sherlock Holmes.

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                         I hugged Bobby hard. "Goodbye, Dad," I sniffed. "Hey, hey, no crying," said Bobby, he wiped my tears away. "I'm going to miss you," I whimpered, he hugged me again. "I know, princess," said Bobby. "I'll miss you too," said Bobby, I sniffed again. "Okay," I said. "I'm okay," Bobby smiled. "Have fun in London, kid." I nodded. "Bye, Bobby." I said. Why am I saying goodbye to Bobby? It's because I go accepted to Oxford University(srry if you don't want to go there) I boarded the plane, and found my seat.

                                                                                                                                                        I sat by the window, and looked out the window. "Excuse me?" I looked up to see a pretty cute guy with an English accent. "Is this seat taken?" I shook my head. "No, no this isn't taken." I said. "Do you mind?" He asked. "I don't mind," I said, he slid into the seat. It turns out, he, and I ended up becoming fast friends. His name is John Watson, he lives in England, but decided to come to America for a bit so now he's returning home.

                                                                                                                                                        "If you like, I'm sure my friend, Sherlock, wouldn't mind if you stay with us for a bit," said John. "That's too much, John," I said. "It really is," he smiled. "I'm insisting," said John.... John, my smile faded. "What's wrong?" Asked John. "I understand if you don't wish t-," he began. "No, it's not that," I said. "My father's name was John," he mouthed 'oh' I sighed. "I hope I'm not bringing up anything painful for you." Said John. "You're not," I said. "I can tell you're a good man, John," I said. "My father wasn't," John didn't ask what I meant by that.

                                                                                                                                                        We reached London, John grabbed my bags, and when I protested, he refused to hear it. When a cab stopped, he opened the door for me like a gentleman he is. "There," said John. "That's Oxford University," I peered out to see a large building making me smile. "It's much bigger than I thought." I said. "It is," he agreed, the cab came to a stop. "Ah, here we are." Said John, once more, he opened the door for me then grabbed my belongings.

                                                                                                                                                         We reached a apartment, and we were greeted by a woman. "Hello, Mrs. Hudson," John greeted her. "Hello, John," she greeted. "And who is the lovely lady behind you?" She asked. "Y/n Winchester, she's from America to attend Oxford University," John answered. "Well, good luck at the school, my dear," said Mrs. Hudson. "And welcome to London." I smiled. "Thank you." I said, she smiled.

                                                                                                                                                         John, and I entered a flat, I looked around in aw, but jumped when I heard a gun going off with someone shouting 'bored!' Right after. John placed my belongings near the door before looking for the owner of the voice, I followed him close behind. "Sherlock," said John. "Must you shoot a gun?" The man, Sherlock, looked over with a bored look on his face until his eyes landed on me. "Y/n Winchester, her family kicked her out of a motel claiming she doesn't belong in the family, was raised by an old family friend, and came here to attend Oxford University. From the looks of her, she knows how to handle a gun, and very good at hand to hand combat meaning she knows how to defend herself." I gaped at him. "Ho-?" I began. "Don't ask." Said John, we heard footsteps, and I looked over to see Mrs. Hudson. "I figured you'd be thirsty, dear," said Mrs. Hudson. "Tea?" I nodded. "Yes please." I said, she poured me some tea.

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