Castiel x reader

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Requested by Risk_Dash I'm going to change the request a bit. Dean, and Sam are your siblings btw

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                 I gasped, I found myself stuck in a box, I shoved, and clawed desperate to get out of here. I finally found a weak spot, and dirt filled up the place, I took a deep breath, and started climbing out. Air. Fresh air. I looked back to see that I crawled out of a coffin? I saw that there was a cross with my name, and the day that I died? 

                                                                                                "No." I gasped out, my voice hoarse, and ragged. I stumbled out of the graveyard, I realized I'm still in Topeka, Kansas, and I quickly stumbled away looking for the bunker. Hours passed, every step that I took hurts, but I didn't care, I had to get home, I had to get back to my family. 

                                                                                                  I finally made it, I fell to my knees, and the bunker door swung open, and Dean stepped out with a fully loaded shotgun. "If you were a smart monster you'd get out of here," he growled. "Dean," I whispered. "It's me, Y/n, your little princess," Dean's eyes softened, but he didn't loosen his grip on the shotgun. "Prove it." Said Dean. "Give me salt, silver, and holy water." I demanded, and Dean got what I needed. 

                                                                                                  I poured the salt over my hands, nothing, then I took a swig of the holy water, nothing, and then the silver knife, and I slit it over my palm not even wincing over the small cut. The shotgun fell to the ground, and I was pulled in for a bone crushing hug. "It's you," Dean whispered. "It's you, my little princess," I buried my face into Dean's chest, and held on tight as I could. "I missed you, Dean," I whispered. "I missed Sammy too." Dean picked me up. "Come on, let's go see him." Said Dean, I nodded, and let Dean carry me away. 

                                                                                                     I rested my head against Dean's shoulder as he carried me to the library. "Sam! Get your ass in here!" Sam stumbled in, he had dark bags underneath his eyes, and a stubble forming on his face, his eyes landed on me, and they hardened. "No," said Sam. "This is a joke, an illusion, a hallucination," I motioned for Dean to place me down on the floor, and he did. "Sammy, it's me, your little baby girl," I said, I motioned for him to hug me. "Can I have a hug from you please?" Tears poured down Sam's cheek. "This isn't real." Sam choked out. "It is, Sam," said Dean, he kissed the top of my head. "Our baby sister is alive." Sam quickly pulled me in for a hug, and I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "When was the last time you took a shower?" Dean burst out laughing while Sam cracked a small smile. 

                                                                                                   Sam, and Dean helped me settle in again, I had to use the walls for support as I walked back to the library. I slipped, and someone caught me. I looked up to see a man with bright blue eyes, black hair, and a trench coat holding me close to him. "Hello, Y/n," he greeted me. "W-who are you?" I asked, he helped me stand before answering. "My name is Castiel, your brothers call me Cas," said the man. "Castiel?" I repeated. "I am the Angel of The Lord," said Cas," my brows furrowed together. "You're........ an angel?" I asked. "Indeed, I am," said Cas, he helped me into the library. "Ah, so you met Cas I see," said Dean, Cas helped me sit down on a couch. "What's going on?" I asked. "Well, we did pray for Cas," said Sam. "Pray?" I repeated. "He's our Guardian Angel," Sam explained. "I am Dean's Guardian Angel," Cas corrected. "At least Cas is saving both of our asses," said Dean. "And we prayed to him since we have no idea who brought you back," my brows furrowed together. "Yeah, who brought me back?" I agreed. "I did," said Cas, all eyes went to him. "You brought her back?" Asked Dean. "Yes, yes I did," said Cas. "You didn't even know she existed until we brought her up!" Sam said. "Indeed, but when I saw how hard her death has taken a toll to you both, I decided to bring her back," Cas explained, his blue eyes meeting my own making my cheeks flush. "Well," said Dean. "As long as our baby sister is back home with us is fine with me." Sam nodded. "Yeah." He agreed. 

                                                    *time skip*                                                                              

                                                                                                 It's been a few months since I was raised form hell, and night fell, I couldn't sleep knowing the nightmares will kick in. I tossed, and turned, but gave up. I wandered into the kitchen, and poured myself a glass of milk, I turned, and jumped to see Cas staring at me. "Jesus," I muttered. "I do not see Jesus here," said Cas, I laughed softly. "That's not what I meant," I said. "It's just a speech us humans say," Cas tilted his head to the side, and I admit that's kinda cute, wait, did I say cute............. shit. "Why did you curse in your mind?" Asked Cas. "You can read minds?" I asked, Cas nodded. "I like to keep my thoughts private thank you very much," I said. "You had a nightmare," Cas said out of nowhere, I didn't say anything. "Nightmares about your time in hell," I didn't say anything again. "Perhaps I can help you sleep?" I glanced at the angel with curiosity in my eyes. "How?" I asked, Cas plucked the milk out of my hand, and scooped me up making me squeak, and I'm back in my room. "Sleep, I will be here when you awake," said Cas, he placed me on the bed, and I pulled the covers up. "I, uh, would actually like if you slept with me," I admitted my cheeks flushed, Cas settled in next to me. "Angels do not need to sleep," said Cas. "But I will watch over you." I nodded. "Thank you." I said softly, and I nodded off to sleep.  

Castiel's pov

                                                                                                        Y/n slept peacefully in my arms, not once did she stir from a nightmare, the door opened, and Sam, and Dean peered in only to see me by their sister's side with eyebrows raised. "She had a nightmare," I explained. "She would have gone to one of us," said Dean. "Unless we're too busy," said Sam. "Dude, we are never busy for our baby sister," said Dean, Y/n started to stir. "What's going on?" Y/n asked. "Cas? Are those your wings? They're so pretty." I stilled when she said that. "Go back to sleep, Y/n," I said to her, Y/n settled down again, and fell asleep. "What did she mean by 'wings'?" Asked Sam. "If she can see my wings then it means she is my soulmate," I said, I reached over to brush a strand of hair out of her eyes. "WHAT?!"                                                

                                                                                     *time skip to morning*

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                           "Hey guys," I greeted Sam, Dean, and Cas. "Y/n," Cas said sternly. "Hmm?" Was my answer as I poured myself a cup of coffee. "Look at me, and tell me if you see something black on my back," and I did, I saw wings, very large ones that are wide open. "Wow," I breathed out. "A-are those your wings, Cas?" Cas, Dean, and Sam shared a look. "What?" I asked. "Y/n, if you can see my wings then it means you are my soulmate," said Cas. "Soulmate?" I repeated. "Yes, soulmate," said Cas, he slipped his hand into mine. "Perhaps that is another reason why I brought you back." I glanced at Sam, and Dean. "Are yo-?" Both motioned that they're fine, and left. "Oh, and no half angel babies!" Dean called out once he left.                                       

                                                                                                              I rolled my eyes at his direction, and turned only to be met with Cas' lips.  

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