Fun Under The Covers

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Warning:no this is not a smut, I refuse to write them anymore. Paring:Jack x reader

                                             "Y/n?" Jack's voice rang out. "Hmm?" Y/n hummed, as she made a sandwich for herself and Jack. "What are you up to?" He asked. "Just making lunch," she hums. "Can I help?" He hopefully asked. "Sure, just be careful with the knife. I don't want you cutting yourself," Jack perked up. "Alright!" He said cheerfully. 
                                                When the sandwich was done, the duo took it to the bed so they can eat it while watching TV. Finding a TV show Y/n approved for Jack to watch, the duo quietly ate their sandwiches while watching. "Y/n?" She hums as her answer. "Why does Dean hate me?" Silence, Y/n shuts the TV off and takes his hands. "Jack," she starts. "Dean does not hate you. He's just going through a lot, okay? Remember, Sam and I care about you, all right?" Jack nodded. "Okay," he said. "Can. Can we cuddle?" She smiles. "Of course we can, Jack." She sighs, she takes the plates and takes them to the sink to wash. 
                                                 She found Jack already under the covers, waiting for her. She got changed into something comfortable and climbed in besides Jack. "I wanna do it," Jack whined. "Okay, okay. You can do it," Y/n giggles, Jack carefully wraps his arms around her and tangles his legs with hers, he buries his face into her neck and sighs happily. "Goodnight, Jack. See you in the morning." 
                                                   When Dean and Sam returns, Dean nearly killed Jack with his bare hands if it weren't for Sam holding Dean back. Sam had managed to force Dean out of the motel room. Just when he was about to shut it, he found Y/n looking at him in confusion. 'We'll be back soon,' Sam mouths, she rolls her eyes. 'You just got back.' She mouthed back, Sam shrugs. 'Dean's a pissed bull.' Sam mouthed, Y/n shook her head and waved at Sam telling him to go.  
                                                     Y/n shifted so she's more comfortable in Jack's arms, Jack tightens his grip around her, pulling her closer and mumbling. 'Mine.' Never knew he was possessive. 

As I said before, Two Wars, One Choice is now up and 22 chapters have been published. I will not be able to get Chapter 23 up yet because there hasn't been a new episode uploaded onto Disney XD(which I am crying over about because there was a major plot twist. I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!!), anyways, vote, comment, and request!

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