Adam x reader

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Am I the only one who realized the actor for Adam played as Luke in the PJ movie? Comment if you realized that too. Also, this one shot is kinda based on a post that I read on Tumbler, I'm not copying exactly what I read, just some parts. Instead of Adam not escaping, and having to say yes to Micheal, he does. Adam returns to Bobby's place with Dean, and Sam.  

Adam's pov

                                   My frowned grew deeper when I saw a girl in the kitchen, her h/c h/l hair is shining as she made something really good in the kitchen, Sam saw my look. "That's Y/n Singer," Sam explained. "Bobby's daughter," my eyes flickered over to her again, she spotted me staring at her, and she gave me a warm smile. "I think Adam here has a crush," Dean teased. "From the look on his face, it looks like he is," I glared at him. "So Adam is your name?" My head snapped up to her, her beautiful bright/warm e/c eyes meeting my blue ones. "Y-yeah, my name is Adam." I said, she giggled at my stutter making my cheeks flare up. "Anyways, Y/n," said Dean. "I smell pie." Y/n rolled her eyes. "Of course that's the most important thing to you right now," Y/n sighed. "Yes, I made pie, but, it's in the oven right now," said Y/n. "If you want to get food poisoning, and burn your hands off then be my guest, and eat the pie right now." Sam chuckled while Dean gave her look that said not-funny-you, Y/n stuck her tongue out at him playfully.  

                                   "Y/n! Get up here!" Bobby called out. "Coming, Dad!" Y/n called out. "The pie will be ready once the timer rings, wait at least five minutes for the pie to cool, then you can eat," Y/n ordered. "It's nice to meet you, Adam." Y/n added, she gave me a warm smile, and bounded up the stairs. 

Y/n's pov

                                   "What's up, Pops?" I asked, I leaned on his back as he went through a lore book. "How's Adam?" Asked Dad. "Adam?" I repeated. "He's fine, why?" I answered. "He tried to say yes to Micheal," Dad grumbled. "Luckily, Dean, and Sam got to him before he could," I tilted my head to the side. "Why would he do that?" I asked. "To raise hell that's why," said Dad. "Maybe I can help him." I suggested. "Dad, let me try to help him," Dad shook his head. "No, best to stay away from him," said Dad. "And that is final, young lady, if I see you doing anything with him you're going to deal with me."  

                                    I sighed, and walked back down to see Dean eating pie while Sam shook his head, Adam instantly had his gaze on me making me blush. "Dean, don't eat all the pie by yourself," I said turning to face the older Winchester. "What? I love pie," he protested. "I know, but you can't eat it all by yourself, you'd get diabetes!" Sam burst out laughing. "I totally agree with her," Sam chuckled. "Oh yeah? What about your unhealthy obsession over researching, and laptop?" Dean asked. "Jerk." Said Sam. "Bitch." Dean fired back. "You're both bitches," I snapped, both just stared at me in shock. "Just because I don't curse doesn't mean I don't know 'em," I said, I saw Adam, even he looked surprised. "You hungry, Adam?" I asked. "I can fix something up for you." Adam got up from the chair he was sitting. "Sure." He said, I lead him to the kitchen. 

                                       I started fixing something up for Adam. "So, how do you know Dean, and Sam?" Asked Adam. "I've known them my entire life," I answered. "Whenever Dad left for a hunt, he'd always leave me with John, and the boys. And when he leaves, Dean always looks after Sammy, and me, after that, we all fall asleep on the motel bed together with me in the middle," I smiled at that memory. "I remember that," said Dean, he came in to grab a bottle of beer. "Want one?" I shook my head. "I rather be sober than drunk right now," I said. "Besides, I can't drink, I'm underage," Dean shrugged. "So?" A knife nearly hit him if he hadn't moved so fast. "Damn," said Dean. "Remind me to keep you away from blades." I rolled my eyes as he walked away. "Sorry about that," I said to Adam. "No problem," said Adam. "Just........ a bit scared of you now," I chuckled. "Trust me, I can do much worse," I said, I handed him the plate. "And here you go." I said, Adam smiled. "Thanks." He said, I smiled. 

                                     *time skip*

                                       Adam gently pinned me against the wall, his knee in between my legs preventing me from escaping, his lips on mine. I have no idea how this happened, all I was doing was finishing up my college applications, and when I turned around Adam just did this to me. "Adam," I mumbled. "Stop," Adam just pressed his lips against mine again. "I don't care." Adam said. "Dad's going to kill you," I answered, Adam pulled away, and softly planted kisses around my collarbone, and neck. "Adam," I softly moaned. "What. the. fuck. are. you. doing. idjit?" We both tensed, and turned to see Dad. "Daddy," I said softly. "It's not what it looks like," he raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" He asked. "Then why is he pinning you like that?" We didn't say anything for that. "Dad, I actually really like Adam," I said softly. "Are you really going to rip me away from him?" Dad didn't say anything. "Just........ no kids, you're too young to be a mother." Said Dad, I beamed at him. "Thank you, Daddy!" I said while Adam sighed. 

                                        Adam leaned in, and kissed me again. "He's right though, I don't want to be a teen mom." Adam scoffed. "You won't." 

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