It Hurts, Doesn't It?

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Pairing:Sam x reader

                                                           Walking into a bar was Y/n L/n, a graduate from Stanford University nearly eight years ago. She needed a break from the world of law. She ordered a shot of whiskey and coke. When she finished it, the bartender handed her a beer. "That fellow over there ordered it," the bartender said, nodding at a direction. She followed the direction and saw a man with shaggy dark hair and hazel eyes. Her eyes widened and she mouthed. 'Sam?' He smiled and walked over to her. 
                                                           "Hey," he greeted. "Hi," she greeted back. "You've change a lot," Sam commented. "So have you," Y/n replied, tipping the beer bottle to take a drink. "How are you?" Sam asked. "Fine," she answers. Silence. "Look, Y/n. I'm sorry for, well, saying that I don't like you like that, but do you, you know, want to give it a try now?" She finishes her beer and slams it down on the counter. "You should have asked before, Sam," she said. "And my answer is no." 
                                                              Rejection hurts like a bitch, doesn't it? You feel like everything you've done meant nothing to the world anymore, you felt empty. That's how she felt when Sam had said no. The next day, she saw him walking hand in hand with Jessica, or Jess. And that's what cracked her completely. 
                                                               When she heard Jess had died, she rushed over to hers' and Sam's shared apartment to see Sam only to find him gone. He left with no note, no warning, nothing. Everything about him was gone and she fell deeper into the hole.
                                                                She became a lawyer and she gained a good reputation of being one. She started a company of her own and is now the far best lawyer in the state. The next morning, she woke up, made coffee and breakfast before turning on the TV. She dropped her cup of coffee. The two most wanted men were captured last night. 


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