SPN Cast x reader

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                                                                                                                                                         San Diego Comic Con. This is an exciting day for 21 year old Y/n Serkis, daughter of Andy Serkis. Yes, the man who played as Gollum in the Lord Of The Rings and the Hobbit and played as Caesar in Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes, and War For The Planet Of The apes. 

                                                                                                                                                           Walking arm in arm with her is Tom Holland, her loving boyfriend. She played as MJ in the Spider-Man movie, Homecoming. Multiple pictures were being taken because of the young couple. Meanwhile, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are being interviewed and are rambling about Tom and Y/n. 

                                                                                                                                                           "Those two," Jensen shook his head. "Always with the PDA." Jared chuckled. "Yeah, it's almost too much," Jensen agreed. "You should have seen Andy! He was so shocked to find out that his oldest child is dating Tom Holland!" From a distance, Y/n rolled her eyes and released Tom's arm. "I'll be right back," she kissed his cheek. "Please don't kill them, Y/n. I truly beg you not to." Tom begged, she kissed him gently. "No promises." She winked then walked over. 

                                                                                                                                                               Since she was wearing heels, she was in perfect height to bang both heads together. "What the hell, Y/n?" Asked Jensen as he rubbed the left side of his head while Jared rubbed his right side. "That's what you get for teasing Tom and me," she said. "Toodles, boys." And she saunters off. 

                                                                                                                                                                "Daaaaaamn," Tom commented, Y/n smirked and she grabbed the collar of his tux pulling him in for a heated kiss making the press go wild. When the two pulled away, all Y/n said was. "I am so glad I didn't wear lipstick." Tom laughed and kissed her again. 

                                                                                                                                                                  Everyone then was split into panels. Y/n, Tom and Osric Chau were stuck together. Why was Tom there? Well, he was a guest star for several episodes of Supernatural. "I swear," Osric started. "You two are showing way too much PDA," Y/n snorted, she's sitting in Tom's lap as she held a microphone for herself and Tom. "Oh please," she snorted, her English accent rolling off her tongue. "Jensen does it with Danneel, Jared does it with Gen, Misha does it with Vicky, so why can't we?" Her American accent rolling off now. "You just switched from your English accent to your American one," Osric commented. "Yeah, that's a habit for us two," Tom replied, he stole the mic from his girlfriend making her pout and he kissed it away. "I mean, come on. We're English, you can't really blame us." His English accent rolling off. 

                                                                                                                                                                     Most of the questions were for Y/n and Tom leaving poor Osric alone. "Aw," Y/n cooed. "Osric is pouting," Osric's cheeks flushed and she kissed his cheek. "Love you, Osric," she said. "But I love Tom more." And she jumped onto Tom's lap again and stuck her tongue out at Osric. 

                                                                                                                                                                       There was high pitched squealing. Y/n had released Tom and bounded over to another figure. She jumped and wrapped her legs around the man's waist. "Hello, Andy," Tom greeted. "Tom," Andy greeted back, he let go of Y/n so he could clap Tom on the shoulder. "Taking care of my little girl?" Andy asked. "Yes, sir." Said Tom. "Good," said Andy. "Unfortunately, I have to go now. I'll see you for Thanksgiving, yeah?" His daughter nodded eagerly. "Bye, Dad." And her father was gone. 

                                                                                                                                                                          "That was a nice surprise," Y/n commented. "I'm the third wheel." Osric sobbed oh so dramatically. "Stop being so dramatic, Osric." 

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