Sam x reader

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Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                               I squealed as Sam attacked me with kisses. "Mhm, Sammy," I mumbled before Sam kissed me again, I slid my hands underneath his flannel, and shirt. "Mhm, keep that up, and I'll have you screaming underneath me," Sam growled playfully, I smirked, and gently dug my nails onto his back making him hiss softly. "Hey Sa-, holy fuck!" We sprang apart to see Dean covering his eyes. "I wish I did not see that," said Dean. "You're the one who brings home random girls," I pointed out. "Agreed," said Sam. "Instead of setting down with one girl like me, you just bring home random ones," Dean rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, enough," said Dean. "Got any cases for us? Or were you too busy with your girl, Sam?" Sam gave him a bitch face. "Jerk," said Sam. "Bitch," Dean fired back. "Enough," I said, Sam crawled over to me, and pulled me to his chest so my back is against his chest with his chin resting on top of my head. "I think I found a case," said Dean. "Do tell," I said. "People go camping around here," said Dean. "And they keep disappearing," I shuddered. "Wendigo?" I suggested. "Most likely," said Sam. "You don't have to come with us, Y/n, I know how much you hate hunting wendigos." I nodded. "Okay," said Dean. "If we get caught, you're gonna have to save us." I gulped. "Okay." 

                                                                                                                                             I watched the impala drive away, I walked back to the bed, and started to watch a movie. 

                                                            *time skip*

                                                                                                                                             Weird, it shouldn't take this long for them to take out a Wendigo, I pulled out my phone, and dialed Sam's number, nothing, I dialed Dean's, and got the same response. My heart clenched, I grabbed a hairspray, and lighter, and immediately headed towards the woods. 

                                                                                                                                             I walked for hours when I came across a cave. I went inside, and my nose wrinkled at the smell. I quietly snuck around, I heard whimpering from someone. I peered in to see a group of people hanging, I spotted Sam, and Dean too. I looked around to see if there's a wendigo nearby, and it was clear, I quickly strode over to Sam. "Sam," I hissed, I patted his cheek. "Wake up," Sam moaned softly. "Y/n?" He mumbled. "Hi, baby," I greeted him. "You came." I gave him a gentle kiss. "Of course I did," I said. "Let's get all of you out of here." 

                                                                                                                                             I freed Sam first, then Dean, then everyone else. I heard heavy footsteps. "Get them out of here," I ordered. "I'll distract it," Sam grabbed my arm. "No." He said. "Yes," I said, I kissed him hard. "I love you, Sam." And I broke free from his grip. 

                                                                                                                                            I shook the hair spray, and light the match. "Come here, you mother fucker!" I said. "Come here!" I heard a roar, and the wendigo lunged, I unleashed the fire at it. The wendigo went up in flames. Once the flames died, I rushed outside where I found Sam, and Dean leading the victims away. Sam noticed me, and hugged me hard. "I love you." I kissed him. "I love you too." Dean rolled his eyes. "Get a room." 

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