Dean x reader

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Y/n's pov 

                                                                                                                                                           "Are you sure about this?" Asked Dean. "I don't want anything to happen to you," I finished the last touches of the ritual. "I'm sure," I said, Dean grabbed my hand. "Y/n," he began. "Dean, I'm the only one that can perform the ritual," I said. "I'm a warlock, I'm born to do this type of stuff," Dean bit his lip. "I love you," I said. "I really do," Dean leaned in, and kissed me gently. "I love you too," said Dean. "Hey, you ready?" Sam asked, I nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready," I said. "Get back." Both stepped back. 

                                                                                                                                                          I crossed my legs, and sat in the circle that I made with three bowls sitting in front of me. I started to chant in Latin, during the incantation, I brought out a blade, and slid it across my palm, and held my hand in a fist letting the blood drip down to the middle bowl. The circle around went up in purple flame, my chanting grew louder. I added several ingredients into the middle bowl. 

2nd person view

                                                                                                                                                        As your chanting grew, a darkness started to creep forward, Dean noticed, and he cocked his gun. "Get ready, Sam," said Dean. "He's coming," Sam too cocked his gun. "Protecting Y/n is our top priority, Dean," said Sam. "We're not letting anything happen to her while ganking that bastard." Dean nodded. "Right." 

                                                                                                                                                       Smoke started to surround you, and then, the creature was upon you. "Now!" Bullets went off, you managed to duck before the bullets hit you. "Y/n?" You popped up from cover/ "Yeah?" Dean dropped the gun, and kissed you hard. "Is it over?" You nodded. "Yeah, it's over," Dean held you close. "Good, never do that again." You kissed his cheek. "Can't make any promises." 

Gah! It's so bad! I'm sorry! I'm stressing out, I have a headache from studying so much, my throat hurts for no reason, my mom's yelling at me for not doing well on the algebra SOL(I got a 399), I'm being pressured to pass the biology SOL, then I'm stressing out for finals already. Don't expect me to update much more lately, my mom may be taking my privilege of my phone, and laptop. I know, my mom's too strict, and it's true, I should have expected that since my mom's Asian. My dad's a bit nicer, and he said it's okay, there's always next year. Here's the thing about me, I have a learning disability, I feel comfortable saying this now, not many know of this, only my two best friends at school know, and now you guys do. Kill me, I hate life(kidding), I hate the government, I hate the county, I hate so many things. Before I forget, I have a Tumbler account, my username is the same, and I'll be posting the one shots from here to there as well so don't worry if you see my works there. I'm tired, my headache is still going on, my throat is still burning, my younger brother is driving me crazy by refusing to use his brain while doing homework, my older brother is yelling, and pounding the table in stress, and frustration. Sorry, I'm ranting now, just know that I won't be updating anytime soon. 

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