Sam x child!reader

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                                                                                                                                                              "Why me?" Sam asked Dean. "I mean, seriously? Why?" Dean glanced up at his brother then glanced at the child sitting by his feet. "Look, it's just for a couple of days. Y/n needs a nanny and you're injured so you're perfect to take care of my kid." The said child looked up at her father and gave him a goofy smile making Dean ruffle her hair. "Dada." She reached up to Dean, forgetting about her stuffed squirrel(that Crowley had given to her for her 1st birthday). "Right, c'mere you," Dean scooped her up and she giggled. "Be good for Uncle Sammy, okay?" She giggled again and Dean kissed her forehead. 

                                                                                                                                                               To be honest, taking care of Dean's kid wasn't as hard as Sam had thought. The child only played with her blocks and brought children's books for Sam to read out loud for her and she also brought children's songs over too making Sam arch an eyebrow. His question was answered when he found a sticky note attached to one of the disc cases. It's from Jody. Y/n tugged on Sam's arm, and pointed at a disc, he placed it in his laptop and let the music play. The Ants Go Marching started to play. 

                                                                                                                                                                Y/n clapped her hands in excitement and started to rock back and forth while listening to the music while Sam looked for a new case for himself and Dean(once he gets back from his hunt). Of course, Y/n's a child and wants attention so he had to pay attention to her a lot while researching at the same time. 

                                                                                                                                                                  He finally gave in by picking her up and handing her the stuffed squirrel, she squealed and held it tight to her. Awhile later, Sam realized Y/n wasn't moving around as much as she did before and he glanced down to see Y/n asleep in his arms. "At least you didn't take after Dean. Snoring like crazy, I mean." Sam chuckled and resumed researching. 

                                                                                                                                                                     After that day, Sam got into the habit of taking care of Y/n. He found out what she liked and did not like to eat, what she liked to read, watch TV, and of course, the music. When Dean returned, he was not happy to hear children's music playing and tried to convince Y/n to listen to Metallica or AC/DC only to make his child cry for children's music and Sam. "Choosing your uncle over me? That's harsh, Y/n," Dean grumbled as Sam cradled her in his arms. "Traitor." Sam rolled his eyes. "Shut up, jerk." Dean snorted. "Bitch." 

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