Winchester x reader

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You're four years old

Y/n's pov

                         I heard knocking on the door. "I got it!" I called out to my grandfather, Bobby Singer. "Be careful, princess, it could be a demon or worse!" Grandpa called out. "Kay!" I said, I made it to the door, and opened it to see two men. "Who the hell are you?" Asked the blond. "Grandpa! There are two strangers here!" I hollard, I took off running. 

2nd person view

                         Dean, and Sam shared a look before entering. "Bobby?" Dean called out. "Bobby, where are you?" Sam asked, they heard footsteps, and they bot looked up to see you in Bobby's arms. "What do you idjits want?" Asked Bobby, you giggled at 'idjit' finding it funny. "We just need some help that's all." Said Dean, he eyed you for a minute. "Who is she?" Asked Sam. "I didn't know you had children," Bobby smiled at you. "My daughter, and son in law asked me to look after her while those two dealt with some supernatural creature somewhere," said Bobby. "I haven't heard from either of them in awhile," Sam gave you a smile making you giggle, and bury your face into Bobby's chest. "She's cute," said Sam. "Really cute," you giggled again. "Alright," said Bobby, he placed you down on the floor. "Sam, you're in charge of looking after her while I help Dean with whatever he needs." Said Bobby, and both left. 

Sam's pov

                        Y/n looked up at me with very curious e/c eyes, she reached up for me indicating for me to pick her up, and I did. "Okay, easy there, kiddo," I said, Y/n started playing with my hair. "Your hair is too long," said Y/n. "You need to cut it," I tried my best not to give her my bitch face, but I ended up doing it anyways. "I am not cutting my hair," I said, Y/n frowned, and her frown is absolutely adorable, her nose scrunches up. "Why not?" Asked Y/n. "That is my personal reason so you don't need to know it," I answered, I carried her over to the couch. "You hungry?" I asked placing her down, her stomach growled, right on cue. "That answered my question," I chuckled, I stood up. "Alright, kiddo, I'll make some food for us." I said. "Okay!" Said Y/n, she started humming making me smile, and I started making dinner for us.   

                                                                *time skip*

                       After dinner, I watched Y/n play with Rufus, Bobby's dog(I think?), Y/n walked back to me while rubbing her eyes, and yawning. "Looks like somebody is tired," I said, I placed my hands underneath her arms, and picked her up. "Grandpa," Y/n murmured sleepily. "We're going to see him before you go to bed, kiddo," I said, Bobby, and Dean happened to walk in. "Taking her to bed I see," said Bobby, I shifted Y/n so she's a bit more comfortable in my arms. "Yes I am," I said, Bobby nodded while Dean smirked. "Looks like you have a super nanny, Bobby," Dean commented. "Jerk," I said. "Bitch," Dean fired back. "We have a child present." Bobby growled , Y/n shifted. "He's right," I said. "I'm taking her to bed." Dean shrugged. "I'll be waiting for you in the impala." Said Dean, and he left. 

                     Bobby left too so he can help Dean load up the things we need for our next hunt. I carried Y/n up to her bedroom, and placed her down on her bed, her walls are f/c, on her bed is s/a(stuff animal), besides her bed is a bookshelf filled with books. I smiled, she's a bookworm like me, I softly kissed the top of her head, and left. 

                                            *time skip*

 Y/n's pov

                     "Grandpa! Grandpa!" I called out. "They're back! Sammy, and Deano are back!" Grandpa smiled. "Are they now?" He asked, he picked me up, and walked out to see the Winchesters. "Sammy!" I squealed, I jumped out of Grandpa's arms, and rushed over to Sam. "Hey princess!" He said, he caught me, and kissed my forehead. "How are you?" I snuggled into his chest. "Good," I said, I reached for Dean. "I want Deano," I said, Dean smiled, and picked me up. "Miss us?" He asked. "Mmmhm," I hummed, I buried my face into Dean's neck, and inhaled making Dean chuckle. "Well, we're staying for a bit so you can play with Sammy till we go." I smiled. "Yay!" I cheered happily 

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