Castiel x reader

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Requested by Risk_Dash 

3rd person view

                                                                                                                                                                  There was a case in Everglades, Florida. "This is the place?" Dean asked. "God, why does it always have to be a warehouse?" Sam nudged Dean. "Right, sorry, Cas," Cas simply stared at the warehouse before answering. "What did my father do?" Dean sighed. "Just....... never mind, Cas," said Dean, he pulled out the essentials needed to kill a witch. "You sure this is the right place?" Another hunter named Y/n asked. "Pretty sure," said Sam, he handed her a knife and she took it. "Great, let's get this shit show over with." She said. "Agreed." Dean said. "Right." Sam nodded and they went in. 

                                                                                                                                                                    Surprisingly, killing the witch wasn't that hard. All four walked out together, Y/n was about to open the backseat only to jump into Cas' arms shrieking. "Seriously? You're afraid of that?" Dean laughed. "Shut up and get rid of it!" Y/n snapped. "Get rid of it or I'll feed your ass to the hell hounds!" Dean shut up after that while Cas placed her back down on the ground once Sam got rid of it. "Fuck you, Dean Winchester, for laughing," Y/n grumbled. "It was a snake, Y/n, a snake," said Dean. "I do not see why the snake is so frightening," Cas said. "Some snakes are poisonous," said Y/n. "I had a bad encounter with one when I was younger," she added. "Perhaps cuddle will help?" Cas suggested, Y/n arched an eyebrow at him. "Fine, but Dean better keep his snarky comments to himself or I'll shove a machete down his throat."   

I'm sorry this is short, I'm tired right now and I'm also frustrated because I can't catch a pesky fly that's flying around the computer room. 

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