Dean x reader

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Y/n's pov

                                     I pushed another strand of h/c hair from my face as I read a lore book, I felt muscular arms wrapping around me, and someone's chin on my shoulder. "Dean, stop distracting me," I said not even glancing at him. "Baby, you've been reading all day," Dean pouted. "Come on, stop reading," he said, and plucked the book out of my hands. "Hey!" I protested. "Dean Winchester!" Dean smirked. "Yeees?" He replied. "I hate you," Dean smirked even more. "Hmh, love you, too, baby," said Dean, I huffed, and pouted making him laugh. "I hate you!" I said to him, Dean chuckled, and gave me a kiss. "I love you," Dean murmured. "I hate you," I responded. "Really?" Asked Dean, he scooped me up, and carried me to the bedroom. "I guess I have to make it up," said Dean shrugging his jacket off.

                                                      *time skip*

                                  Dean planted loving kisses to my shoulder blade to my already hickey covered neck. "Now do you forgive me?" He asked, I turned to face him. "Yeah, I forgive you," I said softly, I pulled him in for a more passionate kiss. "Hopefully Sam won't be complaining about this," I said. "He probably will." Said Dean , and chuckled, something hit me. "Dean, did you use protection?"

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