Dean x reader

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F/s:favorite song(ik, shocker)                                                                                                                                                                 

                                                                                                                                                                     Tapping was heard. Y/n L/n, waiting for class to end. The bell rang and she took off, her bag slung onto her back, her h/c hair pulled back in a ponytail. She sighs in relief when she spotted Dean, her loving and caring boyfriend, leaning against the impala. She rushed over to him and he caught her by her thighs. Her legs wrapping around his waist. 

                                                                                                                                                                   "Hi," Y/n greeted, Dean placed her back down and kissed her before answering. "Hey, beautiful," he greeted back, he chuckled making Y/n look over to where Dean was looking to see angry and jealous girls glaring at her. "*scoff* you're my man," she said pulling him closer(if possible) making Dean laugh. "Yeah, and you're mine," he growled the last part. "Yandere much?" She teased. "I swear to Chuck, you are watching way too much anime and playing Yandere Simulator." Dean grumbled, he opened the door to the impala and she slid in. 

                                                                                                                                                                     Dean drove back to the bunker with f/s playing on the radio, shocker isn't it? Dean Winchester? Letting another music besides Metallica, AC/DC or any other classic rock playing? What the hell is going on with the world? Dean drove up to a cliff and got out of the impala, he opened the door and offered Y/n a hand and she took it. He helped her out. 

                                                                                                                                                                      The two sat on the hood of the impala and star gazed. "Y/n?" Said woman gently nuzzled her face into Dean's neck. "Hmm?" Was her response. "Ever wondered if we can get out of the hunting life?" She stopped for a moment. "Perhaps," she said. "Why?" She asked. "I wanna give you more," Dean mumbled. "Give me more?" She repeated, Dean had looked away in shame and she grabbed his chin making him look at her again. "Dean Winchester, you're already giving me enough," said Y/n. "Enough is enough and this is completely enough. I love you for what you are, a hunter saving people." Dean kissed her forehead. "I needed that." 

                                                                                                                                                                         Dean drove back to the bunker, he often glanced over at the passenger seat. When he pulled up to the garage of the bunker, he scooped Y/n up and carried her to her bedroom, Sam glanced up from his laptop and noticed them, he didn't even bother questioning and went back to researching. 

                                                                                                                                                                             Dean placed Y/n down on her bed and took off her flannel and boots leaving her in her socks, leggings(if she were awake, he'd be making her scream), and a undershirt. Dean gently kissed her forehead. When he was about to leave, a hand gently grabbed his. "Stay?" He got into bed with her. "Yeah, I'll stay." 

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