Dean x reader

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Y/n's pov

                                                                                                I watched Dean do push ups, and I got an idea, I got on top of him, and reclined on his back making him grunt. "Y/n." He grumbled, I planted a kiss to his shoulder. "Keep going, I'm enjoying this." I said smiling, Dean sighed, and continued. 

                                                                                               After a little while, Dean stopped meaning I had to get off his back, and I did, and took off running knowing him, he's going to chase me, and 'punish' me for it. I circled around Sam when he was walking out of the library, and Dean did the same. "Come back here, Y/n! You know what you deserve!" I laughed. "Good luck catching me!" I sang, I kept this chase up for a good thirty minutes until Dean managed to tackle me down. 

                                                                                               "Dean, ow, you have your entire weight on me," Dean shifted so that his elbows were on either side of my head. "How's that?" He asked huskily into my ear. "Good," I said, Dean gave me a kiss, and I kissed back. "Don't ever, ever, do that again," he hissed, he sat up pulling me up with him, and I'm now sitting in his lap. "Or what?" I challenged. "With language like that, you deserve a punishment," said Dean, he gave a firm slap to my ass making me yelp out in surprise making him chuckle. "What do you want?" He asked, I can feel the bulge through his jeans making me smile slyly. "Hmh, I don't know," I said teasingly making Dean growl, I then whispered into Dean's ear. "Destroy me." And that did it. 

                                                      *time skip*

                                                                                                 "Never, and I mean, never, do that again," Dean warned me again, I smiled, and kissed his chest. "Don't care," I sang. "Why do you think I do this to you?" Dean opened his mouth to answer only to stop. "You devious girl." And I laughed. "Love you too, Dean," I said, I snuggled into his chest. "Love you too." 

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