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Yes! This is another crossover, but it won't be DC related. Anyone read any Cassandra Clare books? Then you'll know what I'm writing about. Also, I'm giving you a last name. 

                                                                                                                                                                   Dean huffs while Sam checked the time with his phone. "Where the hell is she, Cas?" Dean grumbled. "She is close," said Cas. "Very close." A blue portal appeared and a girl stepped out the portal, she wore all black and she has many tattoos. 

                                                                                                                                                                     The girl's h/c hair is braided back with an eagle feather stuck in a smaller braid. "Castiel," the girl greeted, she gently hugged him. "You know who I truly am, Y/n," Cas replied. "I know," she said. "Father," Sam and Dean gaped at him. "Father?!" Sam repeated. "When the hell did you become a dad?!" Dean asked. "I am Y/n Novak Herondale, my mother was a nephilim woman," the girl introduced. "That doesn't even make any sense," said Sam. "The nephilim you are familiar with is not what I am," said Y/n. "I am different. These tattoos as you would call them give me different abilities(look up)," Dean shook his head. "Still doesn't make sense." He grumbled. "Do you want my help or not?" Y/n snapped. "Fine, yes, we do," said Sam. "Get in the impala." 

                                                                                                                                                                      Once she did, Dean drove off. Cas will be meeting them at the next hunt. "That blue portal thingy," Sam started. "What was that?" He asked. "Like you said, it's a portal," Y/n replied. "Only a warlock can open it," Dean groans. "A warlock?" He grumbled. "What's next? A fairy?" He chuckled. "Fairies do exist, Dean," his chuckling stopped. "No way," a small smile appeared on her face. "Yes way," she said. "But they're not what you had in mind," she said. "They're dangerous, deadly, lethal. They also tell the truth, always," Sam turned so he can face Y/n. "So they can never tell a lie? Even if they want to?" Sam asked. "Yes. Unless you're half fae." Sam turned back to his original position while mouthing 'wow' to himself. 

                                                                                                                                                                       Dean stopped the impala. It was an old cabin that their next hunt is at. Cas was waiting for them. Y/n immediately rolled up her right sleeve up, Cas pulled out some kind of stick and started drawing on her skin. "What the hell are you doing, Cas?" Asked Dean. "He's drawing runes, that's what," Y/n sassed. "What do they do?" Asked Sam. "Accuracy, endurance, agility, sure footed, flexibility, and heightened speed." Y/n listed off. "Wow." Sam said. 

                                                                                                                                                                        Dean and Sam grabbed their angels blades while Y/n pulled out two seraph blades. "The hell are those?" Dean asked. "Seraph blades. Weapons only nephilim can wield," Y/n replied. "Raphael," and the blade turned blue. "Whoa." She smiled at Sam's reaction. "Come on, let's get this hunt over with." And she started walking to the cabin. 

                                                                                                                                                                          Dean, Sam, and Cas followed her lead. There were four levels. Y/n got the bottom, Sam the second, Dean the third and Cas the last(hey, that rhymed!)." Y/n's level was clear, she heard chaos above her and she quickly took off. 

                                                                                                                                                                            "Michael." Her seraph blade lit up and she threw the blade at the demon that held Sam up. It dug into the demons back and the demon exploded into dust and black liquid. With her speed, she managed to cover Sam from getting hit with the liquid, she hissed when it hit her bare skin. "You alright?" She gritted out. "Yeah," Sam replied, she moved out of the way letting Sam get back to his feet. "You're hurt," Sam reached out to touch her only for her to recoil. "Don't touch me. Especially the ichor," she hissed. "Ichor?" Sam repeated. "Demon blood," Y/n answered, she hissed again. "Get my father." 

                                                                                                                                                                            Cas immediately flashed to Y/n, he grabbed the stick thing again and started to draw on her skin. "What is that thing?" Asked Dean. "A stele," Y/n answered, the ichor was wiped off and the runes are kicking in by reforming smooth and s/c skin. "If you were to put it on a human, what would happen?" Asked Sam. "The said human will die from the inside out and will unlikely become forsaken," Sam compressed a shudder. "Thank you, Father," Cas pulled her in for a tight hug. "You are my child. My flesh and blood." She rested her head on his shoulder. "I know," she said. "And it is time for me to say goodbye." 

                                                                                                                                                                             She made a quick call to someone and the portal opened once more. Y/n turned to face Cas, Sam, and Dean one last time. "Ave atque vale."(hail and farewell) and she stepped into the portal. It shut behind her. "Ave atque vale?" Dean repeated. "Hail and farewell," Cas replied. "It means hail and farewell."

And that is a wrap! I also have more prompts so imma list them here!

31. "Dude, it's just a scratch."

32. "I don't fucking care, it's a scratch! Chuck knows you could get injured!"

33(alternative prompt). "I don't fucking care! You scratch Baby!"

34. "Father, stop."

35. "No, you listen you stubborn ass! I had enough of your shitty attitude!"

36. "You idiot. But you're my idiot, I hope you know that."

37. "It's your turn to take care of the baby in the trench coat!"

38. "It's not his fault."

39. "Angel, human. I don't care, I still love you."

40. "Do you truly?"

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