Winchesters x reader

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F/f=favorite fruit   

                                                                                                                                                     "Sammy! Sammy! Saaaaammmy!" A little voice called out as she ran around the bunker attempting to find the moose like Winchester. "Sammy!" She called out again. "Whwre awe you?" Footsteps were heard. "Alright, kid," a gruff voice said and he picked the child up. "What do you want with good ol' Sammy?" He asked. "To play, Deanie!" The child said. "I wanna play!" He balanced her on his waist. "I can play with you," Dean offered. "No! Sammy! I want Sammy!" She pouted. "Y/n, babe, come on! I can play too!" She stuck out her tongue at the older Winchester. "Sammy!" 

                                                                                                                                                          The said man walked in and swiftly took the small child from his older brother. "Right, you want to play?" He asked, she nodded eagerly and let Sam take her away, she stuck her tongue out at Dean making him let out a groan. "Dammit, Sam! Why do you always get her?!" 

                                                                                                                                                             Sam had walked to the kitchen to make a quick snack for himself and Y/n, the child waited eagerly, her heels drumming against the highchair. Sam placed a bowl of f/f. "Yay! F/f!" She cheered and dug in making Sam laugh at her happiness. "I still can't believe you don't like pie!" Dean grumbled, he sat down at the table with a huff. "Pie sucks," said Y/n. "Okay, you deserve a punishment," Dean got up and Sam got protective. "Dean, stop. She's just a kid," Sam defended. "A kid that insulted pie!" Dean growled. "Dude, it's just pie," Sam sighs, while the two brothers argued, they didn't realize how much this affected the poor child and she started bawling. "I'm sowwry!" She cried, Sam quickly scooped her up. "Hey, baby girl. Sh, it's okay," he cooed at her. "Dean, apologize," the said man looked flabbergasted. "Me? She needs to!" Dean protested. "Dude, she's a child!" Sam snapped back. "Now apologize!" Dean groans and walked out the kitchen making Y/n cry even more. "DEAN!" 

                                                                                                                                                             Poor Sam tried his best to calm the child in his arms down, but he's not getting much luck. A flap of wings were heard. "Sam?" It was Cas. "Oh, thank God," Sam said, Cas tilted his head to the side. "Why are you thanking my father?" He asked. "Just calm Y/n down! I know how much she loves you!" Said child was crying even harder as Cas took her from Sam. 

                                                                                                                                                             Recognizing the trench coat, she grasped onto the inside of it as Cas slipped her into his trench coat. Cas made her fall asleep and she's softly snoring. "Did Dean do this?" Cas asked. "He did," Sam answered, Cas carefully handed Y/n to Sam. "Excuse me." And the angel was off. "What did I do?" Sam dead panned. 

                                                                                                                                                                Sam had taken Y/n back to his bedroom, knowing her, she preferred sleeping with him than alone. "DAMMIT, CAS! FINE!" A loud yell rang out, the door to Sam's bedroom banged open and Sam felt a jolt coming from Y/n. "S'mmy?" She looked tired, Sam quickly kissed her forehead. "She awake?" Dean grunted. "She is now," said Sam, he let her sit up and rub her eyes with her little fists. "Right. C'mere." Dean picked her up making her yelp. "I'm sorry for yellin' at you, kid," Dean grunted then plopped her back into Sam's lap. "There? Happy?" Sam rolled his eyes and pulled her to his chest. "If that's what you got then fine," Sam grunted. "Get out. Y/n needs her sleep. It's about time she got her nap." Dean just walked out the door and shut the door behind him. 

                                                                                                                                                                  Sam heard a yawn coming from the child. Sam tucked her in, handed her a stuffed animal, pressed a soothing kiss to her forehead and smiled. "Goodnight, kiddo." A small smile appeared on her face as Sam got up to leave. "Night, S'mmy." 

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