Cas x reader

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Just imagine the picture as a girl version.                                                                                                                 

                                                                                                                                             Tiny little footsteps were heard. "Look, Daddy! Look!" A little girl's voice cried out, she was wearing Cas' trench coat. "Look! Look! I'm you!" She grinned, she raised her arms up since the sleeves were long. "Aw," Sam chuckled, he gently bopped her nose making her scrunch her nose up. "Cutie," she giggled. "Moosie," she bopped his nose back. "Ha," Dean said chuckling. "Squirrel!" Y/n cheered. "Ha." Sam mocked. "Pfft." Dean retorted, Cas plucked Y/n from Sam. "Daddy," Y/n giggled, she buried her face into Cas' chest. "My child," Cas. "My sweet, sweet, child." She giggled again. "Love you, Daddy."   

~a little time skip~

                                                                                                                                                Four year old Y/n Novak giggled as her moose of an uncle look for her. "Y/n, come on! Were did you hide my laptop?!" She giggled again and clutched onto his said laptop tighter. "Y/n, please? I'll buy you some ice cream if you do." Tempting, but no. 

                                                                                                                                                 The closet door Y/n was hiding in suddenly opened. "Got you!" A hand grabbed her making her squeal. "Sammy!" She whined, her little arms caught underneath Sam's muscular one. "Let go! Le'me go!" Sam grunted and tightened his grip on her. "For your punishment," Sam grunted. "You're eating veggies for dinner," her eyes widened and squirmed around even more. "No! Not broccoli!" 

                                                                                                                                                  Sam plopped her in her highchair and turns out, he had set up the broccoli beforehand and is now ready to feed her. She looked away from the spoon that had the broccoli. "No," she gritted out. "Y/n, open your mouth," Sam said. "Here," Dean said walking in, he held up a bag of french fries. "French fries!" She cheered. "Gimme!" Sam took it from him. "Dean." Sam scolded. "Dude, she doesn't want whatever the hell you're giving her," Dean said snatching the bag back. "Broccoli's is terrible," she stuck her tongue out. "See?" Dean gestured to her and plopped the bag down on her highchair table. "Yay!" She cheered and dug in.

                                                                                                                                                 Since she's nephilim, she can sense when her father or any other angel had popped in and her father had popped in. "Daddy!" She cheered and took off running, she clutched onto Cas' leg. "Hi!" She greeted, her father did not smile like how he used to. "Cas?" Dean's voice rang out. "What's wrong?" 

                                                                                                                                                  Dean drove to the nearest abandoned holy ground as fast as he could. Why? Because the other angels had sensed Y/n's presence, the only way to keep them from getting to her, is by Cas killing her himself. When they reached there, Cas picked Y/n up and placed her down. "Do you trust me?" Cas asked. "Yes, Daddy," said Y/n, he pulled out an angel blade. "Are you scared?" He asked, Y/n stared at the blade then her gaze went to her father. "No, Daddy. I'm not scared. Do it. I love you," that broke Cas' heart. "Cas! Do it now!" Dean ordered. "I'm sorry." Cas murmured. "I know," said Y/n. "And I don't blame you." And her life had ended there. 

                                                                                                                                                     I love you, Daddy. 

*sniffle* so sad. Gimme request. 

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