TFW x Margret Bradbury

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Requested by SilasCanary16 this is her OC btw, you can request your own OC if you want

Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                                 I looked out the window as Dean drove the impala. "Sam," said Dean. "It wasn't your fault," I sighed. "It was," I said. "Charlie died because of me.." Dean took a turn before responding. "Dammit, Sam, it was not your fault," Dean repeated. "It was the Wicked Witch." I opened my mouth to answer, all of a sudden. "Dean! Watch out!" Dean hit the breaks, and the impala nearly hit the girl. 

                                                                                                                                               I got out of the impala. "You okay?" She nodded. "Yeah," she said, she got up to her feet, and all of a sudden. "Charlie?" She frowned. "How do you know her?" She asked. "Charlie, this isn't funny." I said. "Yeah," Dean agreed. "And how are you alive?" The girl just gave us a disbelief look. "I'm not Charlie," she said. "My name is Margret Bradbury, I'm Charlie's sister." 

                                                                                                                                               "Why didn't Charlie tell us?" Dean asked. "How should I know?" Margret answered. "I love my sister, but sometimes I don't even know what's going through her head," I opened the door. "Get in, you might as well stay with us," she nodded, and got in. "So, is it true? Do you really hunt monsters?" Asked Margret. "She told me she met two guys that hunted, and by how you were talking about Charlie I assumed you two were the guys she was talking about," I turned around to face her. "Yeah, we do," I said. "I hope we won't chase you away because of this." Margret scoffed. "You'll have to do better than that to chase me away." 

                                                                 *time skip*

Margret(hope you don't mind if I use Maggie instead) pov

                                                                                                                                                  It's been nearly an entire year since Dean nearly hit me with the impala, but for some weird reason, we only ended up getting closer. He nearly kissed me too, but Sam happened to walk in on us, and he backed out with his face bright red. I also met an angel named Castiel, but everyone calls him Cas so I call him that too. Cas is such a sweetheart, and straight up adorable, clueless too if you ask me. 

                                                                                                                                                 I happen to be fixing up dinner when I felt arms wrapping around making me yelp out in surprise. "Hey," I heard Dean's deep, and husky voice making me relax. "Don't do that!" I scolded him, Dean chuckled. "Or what?" He challenged. "Or I won't make pie if you don't let go, and don't do that to me." Dean stilled. "You win." I smirked. "Damn right I am," I said, Dean released me, and walked off.   

                                                                                                                                           I heard footsteps. "Need help?" I looked up to see the taller Winchester. "Can you make salad?" I asked. "Sure." Said Sam. He grabbed a bowl, knife, and lettuce, and started to chop. I pulled the pie out of the stove, placed it on the table then grabbed the hamburgers then a veggie burger for Sam. 

                                                                                                                                              "That smells good," said Dean. "Thanks," I said. "And thank Sam too, he helped." Sam shrugged. "He probably won't." Said Sam. We begun eating, Dean ate most of the pie as always leaving nearly nothing for Sam, and me. Sam just shrugged it off saying 'he's going to get diabetes in the end, let him die young by eating unhealthy' I rolled my eyes when he said that, but I agree, Dean seriously needs to start eating healthy. 

                                                                                                                                               I finished cleaning the dishes, and I walked to the library where I found Sam. "Hey," I greeted him. "Hey," he greeted me back. "Got anything?" I asked. "Nothing so far," said Sam. "Do me a favor, and put that lore book back in its place?" I spotted the book, grabbed it, and tried to put it back only for me to not be able to reach it. "You jerk! You asked me to do this so you can tease me!" I pouted, Sam laughed. "No I did not," said Sam. "I didn't realize how tall the bookshelf is so I asked you thinking you can reach it." I pouted even more. "Well I can't." I pouted, Sam chuckled, and placed it back for me.                                                                                                                                                

                                                                                                                                            I turned only to realize how close I am to him, Sam gently tilted my head up, and leaned in. "Hey Sa-," we looked up to see Dean. "Dude," said Dean. "What the fuck are you doing with my girl?" Sam scoffed. "Your girl?" He repeated. "Since was she yours?" I slipped away from the arguing brothers, I heard a pair of wings. "Hey Cas," I greeted him. "Hello, Y/n," Cas greeted me. "May I ask you something?" I smiled. Sure, Cas," I said. "I have an emotion," said Cas. "I feel...... happy with you." My heart dropped. "Not you too!" I cried out.  

                                                                                                                                        Dean, and Sam came in. "What's going on?" Asked Dean. "I'm stuck in a love square." 

I wasn't entirely sure if you wanted the reader to choose who to go with so I decided to end it here SilasCanary16 but here you go! And no, no part two

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