Sam x Annie Singer

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*Swoons* please tell me I wasn't the only one to nearly faint over this photo. *clears throat* back to business. This is my OC, she has silver blond hair, and kaleidoscopic eyes meaning her eyes change color depending on her emotion. Here's a quick key to it.
Light gold=joy
Dark gold=excitement
Blood red=paranoid and untrusting
Light red=angry
Dark blue=sadness
I may not use these in this one shot in particular but I may add Annie in some others so keep that in mind. Oh! Anybody read the Mortal Instruments series? Or the Infernal Devices? No? Yes? If yes, then you would know what a warlock is. Annie is a warlock, she can cast spells like a witch, but she's half human, and half demon. I've also been reading a lot of Jensen fanfics lately, not Dean, Jensen. I don't know why, and all of a sudden I've been getting a lot of good ideas for another book. Lord, help me, I can't believe this. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one shot, and tell me if you want the fanfic, I might actually do it.

Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                                                I watched Annie happily speak to her adoptive father, Bobby, happily. She turned to see me with a bright smile, her eyes are a beautiful shade of gold. "Still not used to the eye changing color thing," said Dean, he took a swig of beer. "I am," I replied. "Gold means she's happy, darker gold means she's excited, light gold means she's joyful, purple means she's neutral, red means she's paranoid, blood red means she's paranoid and untrusting, blue means she's lonely, and dark blue means she's sad," I listed them all off. "That's all that I've seen so far," Dean scoffed. "Nerd," he muttered. "Jerk," I said. "Bitch." Dean replied. "Guys," said Annie. "Enough." I chuckled. "Sorry, Annie."

                                                                                                                                                                Annie sighs, and shakes her head. "You guys are idjits," Bobby nodded. "Agreed," he said. "Thanks, Dad," Dean just raised his hands. "Really, Bobby?" Bobby simply chuckled. "What? She's my daughter," Bobby replied, Annie sighs. "Anyways," she said. "Anybody hungry?" A rumble came from Dean. "There goes your answer." I said with a chuckle. "Indeed, Sam," she agreed. "It's not my fault I'm hungry," Dean protested. "It's your stomach isn't it?" Annie sassed back. "There better not be another sass battle here," said Bobby. "I had enough the last time," Annie chuckled. "Sorry, Dad." Bobby gently rubbed her shoulders. "It's alright, princess," said Bobby. "Now, that dinner sounds nice about now." Annie laughed, and left to make dinner.

                                                                                                                                                               I dropped in to help. "You know, Sam," said Annie. "It's nice having you, and Dean here again," I smiled. "Really?" I asked. "Mmhm," she hummed, she reached up to grab a can. "Sam," I sighed, and grabbed it for her. "Why can't I at least be reach your shoulders?" She muttered. "Be thankful that you reach up to my chest," I answered, I handed the can to her. "I hate being short," said Annie. "You tower over a bunch of other women," I said. "And you want to be taller?" Annie pouted, crossed her arms, and stuck her bottom lip out making me chuckle. "Sammy!" She whined, she punched my shoulder. "It's not funny!" I chuckled again, and continued making dinner while teasing Annie about her height.

Annie's pov

                                                                                                                                                               After the height teasing from Sam, I ignored him for the rest of the day, and I can tell Sam's starting to regret doing this since this is the first time he's ever got the silent treatment from me. Most of the time my eyes are light red. "Pipes, please!" I ignored Sam's plead. "Talk to me!" I huffed, and turned to face him. "Fine," I said. "Kiss me," Sam blinked several times. "What?" I huffed again. "Kiss me." Sam pulled me close, and kissed me hard.

                                                                                                                                                               Luckily, I had my shoes off allowing me to step onto his making me taller. Sam cradled my face gently causing the kiss to go deeper. "I've been wanting to do that for a very long time," Sam breathed out after breaking the kiss. "Then why didn't you?" I asked. "Because I was afraid," said Sam. "I was afraid you didn't feel the same." I kissed him again. "Now you do."

                                                                                                                                                                "Protection, Sam! I don't want Bobby to kill you nor do I want any kids!" Sam groaned. "Shut up, Dean!" I sighed, and cast a glamour spell. "There," I said. "Now Dean won't know if we're kissing or not." Sam's lips quirked upwards. "Really?" He asked. "Will he be able to hear you as you scream my name?"

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