Sam x reader

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Yes! It's over! It's finally freakin' over! The freakin' SOLs are over! Idk what my biology score is, but I'm going to guess it's bad, I can't believe I failed the algebra one by one question..... again. I failed my science SOL by one question last year, and I banged my head against the table while crying. Back to the one shot. I'm also still waiting for a cover too, if nobody agrees to do it then I'll have to ask my friend to make one for me. 

Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                                      I stared at the kitten Dean's holding up in his hands. "That's not possible," Dean shrugged. "It is now," said Dean, he handed the kitten to me. "She's your girlfriend, you deal with her," I sighed, and looked at the pure white kitten in my arms. "Well, Y/n, looks like you're stuck like this till we find a cure for you." Y/n whined. "Hey, at least you'll get the chance to get spoiled by me."

                                                                                                                                                     While I researched, Y/n laid her head on my lap, and I scratched her head as I did. "Great," I muttered. "Nothing," Y/n whined again, I shut my laptop. "Why don't we get something to eat?" Y/n jumped off the couch, and waited for me. 

                                                                                                                                                    I grabbed a can of cat food for her, Dean brought some for her earlier, I opened it, and poured it into a bowl, and placed it on the floor for Y/n. She licked my cheek before digging in, I sighed, and prepared dinner myself, looks like Dean's out at a bar again. After dinner, more researching, going through lore books, more researching, and *thump* Y/n placed her paws on my shoulder as I stressed out. 

                                                                                                                                                     "I'm sorry you had to see that," I apologized, Y/n meowed, and licked my cheek. "I really want to give you a kiss right now." Y/n leaned in letting her snout touch my lips, and there was a bright flash. 

                                                                                                                                                      I heard a shriek, and I realized that she's back to normal. "Sam, be a good boyfriend, and give me your flannel?" Y/n asked, I slipped the flannel off, and handed it to her, and she slipped it on allowing for it to hang to her knees. "Thanks, Sam," said Y/n. "I believe you owe me a kiss now." She smiled. "Yes I do." 

I'm sorry if this was short, my mind is just buzzing around the fact that I finally finished all of my SOLs! Yay! Happy dance! I'm kidding, I don't have a happy dance. But, I am back for good until the finals roll around, kill me. 

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