Team Free Will x reader

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Dean's pov

                                             I threw down a book in frustration, Sam glanced up at me with an eyebrow raised. "What?" He asked. "This is ridiculous!" I said. "Where's Cas when we need him?" There was a flap of wings. "Right on time," said Sam. "Sam, Dean," Cas greeted us, I noticed someone clutching onto Cas' leg, but whoever that person is is being shielded by his, or Jimmy's, trench coat. "Cas, who is that?" Asked Sam nodding at the hidden figure. "My daughter," said Cas, we both gave him a look. "You have a daughter?" Asked Sam. "Yes, I have business back in heaven, and I needed someone to watch her while I'm gone," said Cas. "She is also...... nephilim," I frowned. "Nephilim?" I repeated. "Nephilim is half human, and half angel," said Cas. "And they are considered an abomination, and dangerous," said Cas. "There are few that exist in the world," Sam glanced at Cas' daughter. "Yet you fathered one," said Sam. "Indeed," said Cas, he pulled the trench coat back revealing a small little girl about four years old, she yelped, and hid her face from us. "I placed heavy wardings on her preventing from both angels, and demons from tracking her down. Only my brothers, and I will be able to sense her," I stood up, and walked over to the kid. "So your brothers know?" I asked. "Correct," said Cas, Cas gently ran his fingers through the child's hair, and said something in another language. "Bye, bye, Daddy," the young girl said, Cas gently hugged her. "I will see you very soon, my dear child, be good for Sam, and Dean." Said Cas, he kissed her forehead, and he left.

                                           "So," I began. "What's your name, kid?" She shifted uncomfortably from her right leg to her left. "Y/n," she muttered softly. "Who's your mom?" Asked Sam. "Never met her," said Y/n. "Daddy says she's sleeping," Sam, and I shared a look, by sleeping he means she's dead, but we can't tell that to a little girl could we? "Well, I hope she wakes up soon," said Sam, he got up. "You hungry? Or not since you're half angel," said Sam, right on cue, her stomach growled. "Daddy says I'm more human than angel," said Y/n. "He said it's a good thing too." Sam offered her his hand. "Well, let's get you something to eat shall we?" The young child perked up, and placed her hand in his larger one, and allowed him to lead the way.

                                             I reluctantly followed them, I watched Sam make a sandwich for her, and she ate the sandwich. "Have you been to heaven before?" Asked Sam. "Can't go, Daddy said it's too dangerous," said Y/n, she finished the sandwich, and took the plate to the sink. "Right, because you're nephilim," said Sam. "What's wrong with me?" Asked Y/n. "Did I do something wrong?" Sam got down to her level. "Of course not, they're just afraid because you're different," said Sam. "People don't like change, not one bit," Y/n shifted so that the majority of her weight is now on her left leg. "I don't like hiding," Y/n pouted. "I can't go anywhere unless Daddy or my uncles are with me," Sam picked her up allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder. "Well, kid, he just wants to keep you safe," said Sam. "Why do you keep calling me 'kid'?" Asked Y/n. "I have a name," I reached over to ruffle her hair. "Well, kid sounds better, kid," I said smiling, she pushed my hand away, and pouted. "I don't like hair ruffling, it messes my hair up," I groaned. "Great, now I have two of 'em." I grumbled. "Two of what?" Asked Y/n. "Two people who love their hair." Said Sam. "Of course I love my hair, why wouldn't I?"

                                                                        *time skip*

                                             Cas continued to leave Y/n with us, having her around isn't all that bad, it's kinda fun actually, especially when it comes to prank wars........ jeez, I didn't expect Gabriel to teach her all of that..... especially to a four year old kid. Sam, and I are currently researching for a hunt, Y/n fell asleep using Sam as a pillow, she softly sucked on her thumb while Sam rubbed soothing circles on her back. "I'm going to take her to bed," Sam said, he got up. "Alright, and make sure you leave directions for her, we don't want her crying again when she couldn't find her way around." I said. "Will do." Said Sam, and he left. 

                                              When Sam left, Cas just happened to pop in. "Dammit, Cas! How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that!?" Cas just tilted his head to the side. "Forgive me, Dean, but I am looking for Y/n," said Cas. "Sam just took her to bed," I said. "Why are you looking for her anyways? Aren't you supposed to be doing some heaven stuff?" Cas shifted uncomfortably. "She is in danger," said Cas. "They know about her now," I got to my feet. "I thought you said you warded her," I said. "I did," said Cas. "They are unable to track Y/n, but they know who I trust the most to keep her safe." My eyes widened. "Shit!"            

Sam's pov

                                             I just finished humming a song to Y/n when the door burst opened, Dean, and Cas just looked at me. "What?" I asked. "We need to get her out of here. Now." Said Dean. "Wait, why? What's going on?" I asked, Cas swiftly plucked her out of my arms. "The angels know she exists, and they know she is with you," said Cas. "Will we ever see her again?" I asked, Cas stopped before turning to face me. "I do not know." Said Cas, and he's gone. 

                                            Years passed, Cas hardly came by anymore, even when we pray for him he doesn't come, whenever Dean, and I ask about Y/n he doesn't say anything. That's when it hit us....... she's dead. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard flaps of wings, and the wings flapped again, and it was gone, Cas must have come here to check up on us then left........ but it wasn't Cas. 


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