Dean x reader

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Dean's pov

                                                                                                                                     "My name is Y/n L/n, and I'll be singing Revenge Is Sweeter Than You Ever Were." 

I saw it in the news
you told me they were wrong
and I stood up for you
cause I believed you were the 
Each word rings out to me

You had all the chances in the world
To let me know the truth
What the hell's wrong with you?

She's right, what the hell is wrong with me?

Are you even listening when I talk to you
Do you even care what I'm going through
Your eyes stare and they're staring right through me
You're right there but its like you never knew me

I always chose to go on hunts rather than actually listen to her

Do you even know how much it hurt
That you gave up on me to be with her
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

She caught me cheating on her when I got drunk

I'm so mad at you right now
And I can't even find the words
And you're on the way down
I can't wait to see you burn
You try to make me hate that girl
When I should be hating you
What the hell's wrong with you

Sam beat the crap out of me, yelling that Y/n was the best thing that ever happened to me

Are you even listening when I talk to you
Do you even care what I'm going through
Your eyes stare and they're staring right through me
You're right there but its like you never knew me

I never listen to her, my gaze is going straight through her. 

Do you even know how much it hurt
That you gave up on me to be with her
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

She gets revenge by leaving, and finding a case here in Louisiana, and finding a guy

Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

Nothing can save you now that it's over
I guess that you'll find out when you're no one
Don't say you're sorry now 'cause I just don't care

I tried to say sorry to her before, but she refused to listen

Nothing can save you now, nothing
Nothing can save you now, nothing

I clenched my jaw when I saw another guy cheering her on

Are you even listening when I talk to you
Do you even care what I'm going through
Your eyes stare and they're staring right through me
You're right there but its like you never knew me

                                                                                                                                       Her eyes met mine, and they hardened, the beautiful bright/warm e/c eyes are cold now

Do you even know how much it hurt
That you gave up on me to be with her
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

What have I done?

Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

                                                                                                                                      Y/n let a guy pick her up by her waist, and kiss her before placing her on the floor kissing her still. She pulled away, and laughed at his face when she saw his pout, she grabbed his hand, and pulled him away. 

                                                                                                                                       I followed them only to see him kissing her again, she leaned against an impressive truck, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her even harder making her laugh against his lips. I heard a 'I love you' from Y/n making my heart break. I walked back into the bar. "What?" Asked Sam. "I just felt my heart breaking into a million pieces," Sam patted my back. "I'm sorry to hear that," said Sam. "But if you really love her then you got to let her go." I heard the truck reeving to life. "Yeah," I agreed. "I have to let her go." 

Gah! Another crappy one shot! Sooooo crappy! Kill me, I can't think, my mind is on the other two books right now that I recently started writing. You guys are reading it right? For those who don't know what books I'm talking about, they're called Dark Thoughts, which is a Jensen Ackles x reader book, and A New Trooper, which is a fan fiction about my crazy fangirl side of Star Wars The Clone Wars(I curse you at you, my younger brother). Anyways, I hope you enjoy those books! Don't forget to vote, and comment too! I really want some feedback! 

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