Dean x daughter reader

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I think the next few one shots are going to be DDM one shots, I can't help myself. You're also 3 years old who's very intelligent, you're also a blond with green eyes again. 

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                              I clung onto Daddy's neck as we he, and Uncle Moose spoke to Crowley, Daddy placed me down on the ground, and I clung onto his leg. I could feel Crowley's gaze on me. "Crowley!" His gaze snapped to Daddy. "Why are you staring at her?" He asked, I hid my face from him, and Daddy laced his hand into my hair. "I am very sorry to do this, Squirrel," said Crowley. "But I am in need of a heiress." Demons jumped out, and lunged. 

                                                                                                                           Somebody grabbed me. "Daddy!" I screamed. "Baby girl!" Daddy shouted, he killed another demon, but by the time he killed the last one, I was gone. I blacked out, and when I woke up again, I found myself in a four poster board bed wearing a red dress. I slid out of bed, my bare feet touched the smooth, and silky carpet, I walked over to the balcony, and pulled myself up, I saw fire, and heard screaming. I backed away from the balcony, I kept backing up only to run into something. "Hello, love," Crowley greeted. "Where am I?" I asked. "I wanna go home! I want Daddy! I want Uncle Moose! I want Cassie!" Crowley grabbed my hand, and pulled me over to the bed. "Now, now, love," said Crowley. "Why ask for your father when you have me?" I tossed a pillow at him, and continued to do so while screaming at him. 

                                                                                                                       A man suddenly grabbed me, pinning me against his chest, my arms pinned down. "I thought you will cooperate unfortunately you are not," said Crowley. "My mother was a witch you know, I've learned a thing or two from her," I struggled against the man's grip. "And now," he held a vial of liquid. "You shall drink this." I refused to open my mouth, the man forced my mouth open while keeping my arms pinned. "Swallow," Crowley ordered, I shook my head. "Swallow." Crowley ordered, I refused again, he pinched my nose cutting me off from air forcing me to swallow. 

                                                                                                                     The man released me, and Crowley asked. "Now, Y/n, are you ready to become hell's princess?" I stared at him as if he's crazy. "NO!" And that's how I ended up getting locked in the room with me banging on the door wanting to get out. The only time the door opened was to feed me, and Crowley came in to feed me the same liquid, when the same man came in with a tray of food, without Crowley for once, I made my escape. 

                                                                                                                      I skidded to a stop, and took a left, I continued taking left, and right turns randomly. I heard the pants of hellhounds growing louder, something tackled me down, a hellhound found me. I heard another pair of footsteps, I struggled to get out of the hound's grip, but it was too heavy. The hellhound slowly got off of, and I quickly jumped up to my feet only for a hand to grab me, the man threw me over his shoulder while I screamed, and kicked, and pounded my tiny little fists against his back. 

                                                                                                                       The man had carried me to Crowley's bedchamber, he placed me down on the floor, but held my hands above my head. "Now, now, love," said Crowley. "You tried to run away from me," I clenched my knuckles as I squirmed. "Now, why would you run away from Daddy?" I kicked at him when he got close. "Not Daddy!" I shouted. "Daddy has green eyes, and blond hair! I want Daddy!" Crowley gave a gesture, and I was dragged over to a chair where I was restrained. "Now," said Crowley, he held the vial up. "Are you going to drink obediently?" I shook my head as a no. "I guess we'll have force you again." My mouth was forced open, I choked on the liquid, and Crowley made me swallow it again. 

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