Dean x reader

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I am so sorry I haven't been updating lately, I nearly forgot about this book. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this book.

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                      Dean gently tackled my down to the bed making me squeal, he hovered over me and gave me a passionate kiss. "Beautiful," he mumbled before kissing me again, I slipped my hand underneath his flannel and ran my hands till they rested on his back. "Uh, guys?" Dean broke the kiss and looked up, poor Sammy, his face is all red! "I, uh, I'll come back later," Sam stuttered. "You can tell us right now, moosepuppy(that is officially my nickname for him)," I said, I tried sitting up but Dean refused to let me. "Dean," he kissed my forehead. "Nope, he disrupted our affection time so he gets to suffer this," I rolled my eyes. "You asked for it," I muttered. "Asked wha-? Shit, Y/n!" I flipped him with such force he's on the floor now. "Dammit, Y/n, I hate it when you do that," Dean grumbled. "Like I said," I said with a teasing grin. "You asked for it." Dean rolled his eyes. "Fine, what do you want, Sam?" 

                                                                                                                                                     Sam explained there was a case, a case where dragons are involved. "You're not a virgin are you, Y/n?" Sam asked, I pointed at Dean with my thumb. "He took it?!" Sam asked. "Duh," I said in a 'duh' tone. "Yup," Dean agreed. "Anyways, dragons?" Dean went back to the subject. "From the looks of it, yeah," said Sam. "So, have we ever faced them before?" I asked. "We have, not you," said Dean. "Do we still have the sword? Or at least, the parts of it?" Asked Sam. "I think we do," said Dean. "Let me check." I watched Dean leave. "I think it's best that you stay here, Y/n," said Sam. "You know, just in case?" I huffed and crossed my arms with a pout. "You ain't leaving me, Sammy," I said. "I ain't letting my crazy sex loving boyfriend go off by himself," I heard a faint. "Hey!" From Dean. "It's true, Dean, and you know it!" I shouted. "Well, you're not wrong," Sam agreed. "But you're still staying behind." I pouted. "Agreed!" "Dean!" 

                                                                                              *time skip*

                                                                                                                                                    "Unbelievable," Dean grumbled, he pulled me onto his lap letting my back be pressed up against his back while he wrapped his good arm around my waist. "Believe it, Dean, I beat that dragon's sorry ass." I said with a sassy hair toss. "Yes, you did," Dean agreed, he kissed my shoulder then moved up to my neck. "Which is why you're my badass girlfriend."  

I'm sorry this is short, I'm out of ideas, I'm tired, I may or may not be ending this book, I may or may not put this book on hiatus, and I found out my best friend is moving! I won't be able to see her again! Why cruel world!?! Why take her from me?! Even though I've known her for three years, she's still my bestie. Don't give me pity, I don't want it. 

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