Sam x reader

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Key:f/b/f=favorite breakfast food. This entire one shot is in Sam's pov

Sam's pov

                        I woke up first as always, Y/n slept peacefully in my arms, her h/c hair is covering her bare shoulders, I brushed her hair out of the way, and gently pressed a kiss to it, I continued till I reached her neck. "Sam," Y/n moaned softly, she arched her back making me smirk against her neck. "I love you," I murmured planting another kiss to her neck. "Love you too," said Y/n, she turned around, and pulled me in for a needy kiss. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy with the kiss," I chuckled. "Sorry," said Y/n. "I love you, a lot by the way," I smiled, and gave her a gentle kiss. "I've realized," I said. "Of course you did," said Y/n. "I hope we don't have any cases today, I just want a lazy day," I kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, I do too," I agreed, I heard banging on the door. "Wake up! We've got ourselves a case!" We heard Dean shouting, we groaned in unison. "Dammit, Dean! Get someone else to go with you!" Y/n shouted. "Hell no! Sammy's my partner! Quit stealing him!" Dean shouted back. "Go with Garth then!" I shouted. "Fuck you, Sammy!" Said Dean. "Fuck you for sticking up for your girlfriend! Dude, you're my freakin' brother! Family is supposed to stick together!" I propped myself up with my elbow. "Shut up, Dean! And I totally agree with Y/n! Find another hunter to go with you!" Dean groaned, and walked away muttering something that sounded like 'horny kids' 'fuck them' and 'assholes'

                            I sighed, and laid back down on the bed, Y/n rested her head on my chest, and traced my anti possession tattoo with her index finger. "Well, now that we got our free day, what should we do?" I asked. "I don't know, I did say I wanted a lazy day," said Y/n. "True," I said, I slid out of bed, and got dressed. "Sammy, come back." Y/n pouted. "Get dressed, Y/n, I promise I'll make some f/b/f if you get out of bed." Y/n perked up, and got dressed herself then hurried after me.  

                             I fixed up some breakfast, just like I promised Y/n, I made her f/b/f then we just started binge watching a bunch of TV shows, and movies of her choice. Many hours later, Dean came back with his duffel bag on his back with a couple of cuts, and bruises. Y/n sighed, and started taking care of his wounds then made some dinner for Dean. Hey, just because we're dating doesn't mean she shouldn't make something for my brother alright? She cooks for all of us. After she finished making dinner, she returned, and we started watching the movie again, a while later, Dean joined us with a plate of pie. 

                             "Of course you bring pie," I grumbled. "Hey, your girlfriend's the one who made it," said Dean. "I made it last night, Dean," said Y/n. "I'm willing to bet you ate it all, and brought the last slice here," Dean looked away, he looked guilty. "Guilty as charged," I said chuckling. "Officer Winchester, Mr. Dean Winchester here has finished the last slice of pie!" Y/n cried out. "Ha, ha, ha, very funny, you two." Said Dean sarcastically, Y/n, and I chuckled, and continued to tease Dean about his unhealthy obsession over pie, beer, and hamburgers. 

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