Sam x reader part 2!

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I couldn't help myself, I love Baby Sammy, and you can't do anything to stop me! Well, except for reporting I guess, which I highly doubt any of you will do. SilasCanary16 is still the requester, I'm pretty sure there will be a part three for this too so this is dedicated to her!

Sam's pov

                                                          I woke up with Y/n tracing my chest with her finger. "Hey," I greeted her. "Hi," she greeted me, I gave her a kiss, and she happily kissed me back. "I love you, Sammy," said Y/n. "Mhm, I love you more," I said kissing her again, Y/n giggled making me pull away. "What?" I asked pulling her close to me. "Nothing," she sang softly. "Just that it's nice doing this everyday," I smiled, and tucked her head underneath my chin, naked bodies pressed together. "Best that we get up, we don't want Dean complaining about no food," Y/n pouted against my neck making me smile. "He can make his own," she pulled away, and gave me a very adorable pout making me smile. "The only thing he'd make is fire." I said chuckling. "Okay, Sammy." Said Y/n, she slipped out of bed, and got dressed, and I did the same.

                                                         By the time breakfast was made, Dean staggered in, Y/n wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Did he go out to a bar again?" I asked, Y/n nodded, and held her nose. "Dean, get cleaned up," I ordered. "I'm fine, Sammy," Dean grunted. "Just a hangover," Y/n placed a glass of water next to him. "Stop going to bars." She ordered. "You ain't stopping me, sweetheart," said Dean, he swallowed the water in one gulp. "What about you, and Castiel?" Asked Y/n, Dean stiffened. "I'm not answering that," he instantly said. "And what about you, and Sammy?" Asked Dean. "You guys aren't using protection I bet," neither of us spoke. "I knew it!" Said Dean. "I told you I do not want any half angel babies in the bunker, hell, I don't think she can get pregnant!" I snapped, and lunged at Dean.

                                                        Dean took off, and I followed him. 

Y/n's pov

                                                         I sighed when I heard yelps from both Sam, and Dean making me frown. I wiped my hands on a dish towel, and walked out to see Castiel. "I do not wish to hear angelic.......... pregnancies," I rolled my eyes. "And Dean is correct, Y/n cannot conceive," said Castiel, he released both boys. "Why are you here, Cas?" Asked Sam. "Because Crowley is causing trouble," said Cas. "Great, what's the King Of Hell doing?" Sam grumbled, I wrapped my wings around him to give him some comfort, and that seems to remind Castiel something. "Dean, did you find out about anything about the black stuff on my back?" Asked Castiel, Dean's face went red. "No," Dean answered stiffly. "And don't say the D word," he added. "Dick?" Castiel said obviously confused. "No, the other word," said Dean. "He means Destiel," I answered. "You know the shipping name? Like mine, and Sam?" Castiel tilted his head to the side confused. "Never mind," I said. "Anyways, Crowley?" The got everyone's attention. "Crowley." Sam agreed. "Alright, let's beat the crap out of the sucker." Said Dean

                                                         *time skip*

                                                           The whole thing was a trap! I got captured by a group of demons, and got taken to hell. Crowley stood in front of me with my grace in a bottle. "What a magnificent color," said Crowley, my grace color is f/c. "Give. it. back." I growled. "No," said Crowley, his eyes landed on my stomach. "Did you know you're pregnant, Angel?" He asked, my eyes widened. "No?" He asked. "Well then," said Crowley. "Your torturing will be even more fun!" 

                                                            *time skip*

                                                            For weeks Crowley tortured me, and Rowena, Crowley's mother, came to visit. "What are you doing?" Asked Rowena. "Go away, Mother, can't you see I'm busy?" Crowley snapped, Rowena scoffed, and turned to leave only to say. "You missed a spot," she pointed at my stomach. "I know, Mother," said Crowley. "But I decided to spare her stomach, after all, she is carrying a child," Rowena gently dragged her index fingernail down my stomach. "I sense a strong child is growing," said Rowena. "Tell me, was your child conceived before or after you lost your grace?" I spat at her face. "How rude," said Rowena, she wiped the spit from her face. "Make sure she screams loudly, Crowley." Said Rowena, and she left.

Sam's pov

                                                          I ran my fingers through my hair for the millionth time today. "Sam, we're going to find her," said Dean. "We're going to find her." Said Dean. "I cannot sense her!" Cas growled. "How could I be so stupid?!" I sighed, and rubbed my temples. "Guys, what if she's.......... dead?" I asked. "No, she is not," said Cas. "I would have sensed her soul leaving," said Cas. "Then where the hell is she?!" I shouted. "WHERE IS SHE?!" Cas didn't say anything then his demeanor changed. "She's in hell."  

Y/n's pov

                                                          I cradled my stomach as I whimpered from the pain, my eyes are flickering with dark spots, I heard yelling, and thundering footsteps, I didn't get a chance to see who had broken down the door since I blacked out. Next time I woke up, I found myself in a hospital with Sam on my right, and Cas on my left. Cas instantly clasped my hand before shaking Sam, Sam peppered me with kisses, and asked if I'm okay, and I nodded. 

                                                          The doctor had run a pregnancy test on me, and confirmed I'm indeed pregnant with Sam's child, but the question is, will my child be nephilim when he or she is born?

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