Dean x reader

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Dean's pov

                                        I felt weight on my chest, I opened my eyes to see a beautiful girl sleeping on top of me, her arms crossed so her arms are pillows for her head, her h/c hair is covering her face, but I can tell she's beautiful without the need to push the strands away from her face. I ran my fingers through her hair, and slowly sat up so that she's sitting in my lap. "Hmh, Dean?" I heard a groggy voice, I kissed her forehead, and tucked her head underneath my chin. "Yes, princess?" I answered, she lazily looped her arms around my waist. "I love you," I smiled, and kissed her forehead again. "I love you, too, princess," she held me tighter. "I don't want to wake up," she mumbled against my chest. "Too bad, princess, Sammy's going to wake us up one way or another." I said, she groaned. "Fine." She grumbled, she slid out of my lap then out of the bed. 

                                         I grabbed her, and pulled her close to my chest, and slowly started to plant kisses on her neck, Y/n tilted her head to the side exposing more skin, and I happily planted more kisses. "Dean," Y/n moaned, she laced her hand into my hair, and pulled me closer making me smirk against her neck. "Want more?" I said seductively into her ear. "No," said Y/n, shocking me. "Sam might have a case for us, and it won't be fair if he had to take care of it by himself." Said Y/n, she started to get dressed again. 

                                        Y/n, and I walked hand in hand to the kitchen, we found Sam already up, and ready with a cup of coffee by his side as he scrolled through his laptop. "You guys are so loud," said Sam, I happened to be sitting, with a knife in my hand, and I threw it at him. "Jerk!" "Bitch," I fired back. "Enough!" Y/n snapped at us, she had a cup of coffee in her hand, and shook her head. "You two are idiots," now we both gave her a look. "I thought you were my girlfriend," I said with a pout. "I am, it's just that I decided to be sassy today," said Y/n, she placed a plate of breakfast in front of me, Sam, then herself. "Wow," I muttered making her snicker while Sam just chuckled. "Sorry, baby," said Y/n, she kissed my cheek, and nuzzled her face into my neck then whispered. "I can make it up for you tonight." I perked up at that offer making her smirk. "You cheeky girl." I said chuckling making Y/n chuckle herself. "Love you too, Dean." Said Y/n. 

                                          Sam left to interview some witnesses for our next case meaning Y/n, and I have our time to ourselves. 

Y/n's pov

                                         Dean pinned me down with his elbows on either side of me keeping his weight off of me, his shirt is already missing. "Prepare yourself for a rough night, babe," Dean huskily said into my ear. "Cause I ain't going easy on you this time." 

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