Dean x reader

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Warning:prepare for sadness, I legit cried at the end

Dean's pov

                                                                                                                                                     My leg shook as I waited for the doctor to give me the news, my only thoughts are. 'Please be okay. Please by the love of God.' The doctor walked in and I jumped up. "She's in a coma," the doctor. "I highly doubt she's going to wake up," the doctor said. "I'm sorry." And he left. My world crashed. "Dean," Sam began. "Stay with her," I ordered. "Don't you dare," said Sam. "She's going to kill you!" Said Sam. "I don't care," I said. "Sam, I have to know that she's alive before I go," Sam bit his lip. "I hope you know what you're doing, Dean," said Sam. "For both of our sakes." I nodded. "Just keep her safe while I'm gone." Sam nodded, and I left. 

                                                                                                                                                       I found the closest crossroad I can find and summoned a demon. "I want to make a deal." 

                                                            *time skip*

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                         I was blinded by a bright light, an annoying beeping sound wasn't helping with my headache. "Y/n?" I turned to the owner of the voice. "Sammy?" I croaked. "Yeah, it's me," said Sam, he took my hand and squeezed. "Dean?" I heard footsteps. "Right here, sweetheart," I gave Dean a weak smile. "Hi," I greeted him, Dean sat on the other side and grabbed my free hand. "I was so worried," said Dean. "I'm sorry." I said, Dean squeezed my hand. "As long as you're alive, it's fine," I smiled again. "Dean." Said Sam, Dean got the message. "Excuse us." I nodded and watched Dean and Sam leave the room. 

                                                                                                                                                          Both argued about something. I can read lips and the argument was about me since Sam was mentioning my name a lot. Both walked back in. "Dean has something to say," said Sam. "And I'm not going to be here when he says it." And he left after that making me arch an eyebrow. "Dean, what was he talking about?" I asked, Dean took a deep breath and sat down besides me before taking my hand. "I'm sorry," I frowned. "About?" I asked. "About the deal," my world crashed. "What?" I whispered. "I made a deal," said Dean. "I made a deal to save your life," anger snapped into place. "Damn you! Why would you do this?! Why would you make a deal?!" I yelled at him. "Because I couldn't lose you!" Dean snapped back. "Y/n, you're my world. If I lost you, I would have broke, I wouldn't be the same," he brushed some tears some from my cheeks. "And I wouldn't?" I whispered. "Dean, we're both heartbroken right now. You should have let me die," Dean clenched his jaw. "Except I'm not letting that happen to you," said Dean. "How long?" I asked. "One year," one year, one year to be with him, one year before hell hounds drag him to hell, one year before I lose him forever. "No more hunting," I said. "For the entire year, it's just going to be me, you, and Sam. No more hunting until then," Dean brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckle. "As you wish." I sniffed. "Cuddle?" Dean smiled and got into bed with me. 

                                                                            *time skip*

                                                                                                                                                          A year passed, Dean left during the night and Sam and I looked for him. We found him by the impala. He's already gone. I held him close to me and sobbed, Sam pulled me close to him and I felt his tears falling down too. I glanced at the ring sitting on my ring finger. My best friend, my first love, my husband, gone with only his brother as my comfort. 

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