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"There you two are. Emma was getting so worried about you two that I was about to send Dan to check on where you were and if you were ok," said Bob with a kind smile. "If you want to spend some alone time together its fine, but you should let us know at least. Everyone was so worried about you two," said one of the guys from the group looking at ⨊ with a sly smile.

⨊ walked towards a tree and sat down as usual, with Ian following behind her. Emma walked up all worried. "You know I was really worried about you, both of you. You should tell me when you're going to go off like that for a long time. I mean so that everyone doesn't get worried about you. Jessica, I am really sorry I didn't mean to make you misunderstand me. About before when I said Ian was my friend, I didn't think you would confuse my words of a friend for a boyfriend. I really want us to be friends," said Emma putting on a hurt look. "Get lost. I don't want us to be friends or anything else, cause I don't like knives in my back," said ⨊. (Seems like she is trying to make me look like the bad guy by saying all this in front of Ian. Like I care about such things.) Emma looked at Ian with tears streaming down her face, waiting for him to defend her. "You don't have to be so mean. Emma is only trying to be nice to you. You should be grateful that she is willing to be friends with someone like you," said one of the guys from the group who fancied Emma while Ian just sat next to ⨊ all moody, ignoring Emma. The guy who spoke up was called Wes. He had been trying to get Emma's attention the same way Emma was trying to get Ian's attention. (Two idiots who belonged with each other.)

"So? Just because she wants to befriend me I should be her friend? With your logic, that means if someone wants to rob me I should let them? Besides isn't this your chance to comfort her?" ⨊ asked Wes. When Wes left with Emma, ⨊ released Ian's hand which she had held unintentionally. When she felt Ian getting angry since it was not the way he was supposed to be. "Why didn't you let me tell her off?" asked Ian watching Wes and Emma walk away with an annoyed expression. "Oh, What can you say being the nice guy? Besides Emma will just think you're being kind like your character is supposed to be," said ⨊ whispering the last part. Ian looked at ⨊ stunned because it was the first time he saw her having a playful smile. "What?" asked ⨊ with her face returning to its gloomy look. "You just..." Ian stopped himself midway when he saw ⨊ with a puzzled expression. "Nothing, I still wanted to tell them off," said Ian realizing that ⨊ had smiled subconsciously.

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