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            "What are you doing?" asked ℥enji. "You, you're that... you know where Jessica is, right?" asked Ian approaching the man. "Do you plan on continuing down this path looking for her like this?" asked ℥enji. "Yes," "Why? You don't even remember her," "I don't know why, I just know that I have to find her. I need to find her. If you know where I can find her, tell me,"

"If I refuse?" asked ℥enji wanting to know what Ian would do if he rejected him. "Tell me where she is," said Ian grabbing ℥enji's shoulders as his atmosphere went dark. "What? Going to kill me if I don't answer you?" "Don't worry you won't die so easily and I will get you to tell me what I want to know before you die," said Ian as his grip tightened. "You can't go to where she is," said ℥enji knocking off Ian's hand. "You don't have to bother if I can go or not. Just tell me where she is," "She is asleep. No one can go to where she is at the moment...not even me,"

"I'll wait outside where ever she is, until she wakes up," "Then you'll end up waiting till you die. She isn't just asleep, like a normal being, she is kind of in a deep slumber. Don't know when she will wake up as herself," said ℥enji watching Ian's reaction as he spoke. "I still want to know where she is," "No one can know. You should get on with your life, find someone to settle down with and stop trying to remember events that happened in the past. They will never happen again,"

"I want to know why I feel this way about her," "And what are you going to do if you know? It won't change anything," said ℥enji watching Ian's stubborn expression. "She gave you a stone. If you end up not remembering after a few days even after seeing the stone, then that just proves she didn't mean much to you. If you remember, then think about things properly before doing anything. Cause if you're not sure or your feelings change then the only one who would end up getting hurt is her," said ℥enji as he left.

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