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 ⨊ returned with the other girls to an angry looking Ian. "Where were you? Didn't I tell you not to go anywhere without me and to wait for me?" ⨊ looked at Ian as though he had lost his mind. "What's going on? A lovers quarrel?" laughed Bob. "No. It's just that Jessica went wandering around and it's dangerous if she gets lost. I was just worried about her," said Ian. "Yes, it is dangerous wondering off. But since you are there, please take care of Jessica and make sure she doesn't get lost. I wouldn't want anything happening to any of my friends," he laughed off while looking at Ian. Ian knew that in the eyes of ⨊ he would be considered crazy for yelling at her and that in her eyes he would be overreacting. But he just couldn't let things be as they were. "I'll explain to her well and take care of her," said Ian grabbing ⨊'s hand and pulling her with him to a quiet place.

       "Don't get delusional. You have no say in what I do. Wait did you just yell at me?" asked ⨊ in shock. "Sorry, I yelled at you. I just panicked when I didn't find you after returning with the others. I know I have no right to tell you what to do, but I just want to keep you safe. I cannot explain anything to you. All I can say is don't leave my side no matter what. Please just do as I say during this trip," said Ian pulling her close to him. "Sorry, I yelled. I didn't mean to. I promise that will never happen again. But if you get yourself in a dangerous situation then I might yell at you. Please don't leave my side, don't leave me. Please stay by my side," said Ian tightening his grip on her.

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