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               "A brat dares to try and teach her manners," came ℥enji's voice appearing next to ⨊. "℥enji." said ⨊ excited that he was here. ⧚⨊.⧚ said ℥enji picking her up. ⨊ looked at him up and down. "I'm ok," said ℥enji assuring her. ⨊ glanced at Jason and David. "We are fine," they said simultaneously. "Really, I'm fine," said David seeing ⨊ staring at him.

"Are you ok?" asked ℥enji distracting her. "Celest is trying to get close to my Adrian. She is a bad person. I don't care who he marries, but he can't be with a bad person. I will never allow a bad person to hurt my little baby boy. She even said that I was ruining his life. And she said that she was teaching me manners like a big sister. And that if I was good, she would take me under her wing," said ⨊ rambling. Even though ℥enji was there the entire time, he allowed her to talk and take out her frustrations.

"Your little sister misunderstood me. I'm just trying to help her. If she says such things to others, she might get hurt. You should tell her not to go around being rude to others," said Celest. "Are you threatening her?" asked Leah. "No. Don't listen to them. They are just some crazy people who are wandering around," said Celest. David and Jason just walked and stood beside Leah, Janet and Rick. "Idiot," said Rick.

"Help her? She doesn't need your help. And I would never dare teach her anything. It's not my place," said ℥enji with his atmosphere becoming violent and dark. "You made ℥enji angry. Even we would never dare to make him angry," said Rick. "I'm surprised she is still alive," said Jason. "Even strangers stating such opinions would be unforgiven," said David. "Little brat. I'll tell you a secret since you're not going to be around. But ℥enji is not her brother. He has sworn his allegiance to her. Just like us," said Janet.

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