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       Ian ran towards ⨊'s image without being able to reach her, calling out her name. Hating the fact that he forgot about her and never knew her real name. As Ian kept running towards her, a rip in the realm appeared in front of him allowing him to go to where ⨊ was. He didn't know how or why the rip in the realm appeared and he didn't care. He just wanted to run to her and hold her.

"Jessica, Jessica..." Ian called out with no response from ⨊. "How did he get here?" asked Janet. "Get him back quick," said ℥enji. "Stay back," said Jason. Grabbing and dragging Ian back to his side. "That's Jessica, right? I need to go to her," said Ian. "She isn't the Jessica you met, if you go near her now she will kill you," said Janet. "She doesn't recognize anyone at the moment," said ℥enji.

"I need to go to her, need to help her. Why are you all just watching her get hurt? Aren't you her friends? Why aren't you helping her?" shouted Ian as he watched ⨊ fighting a group of men and creatures that surrounded her. "You think we don't want to help her?" asked Leah. "We can't approach her now. She won't recognize us and will treat us as enemies," said Rick. "We will only cause her more work which will only hurt her," said David. "But..." "We know what we are doing. You are just a newcomer who has no right to be here," said Leah interrupting Ian.

"Leah, focus on the work," said ℥enji. "Don't mind her. We..." "He doesn't need to know," said David interrupting Janet. Ian watched as the group that surrounded ⨊ fought her and injured her. Even though she killed them easily, she still got hurt. He couldn't bear to watch, but couldn't move either because the others had put a ∰ restriction on him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move, couldn't go to her or help her or hold her.

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