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             "Let go. What are you doing here?" asked Adrian in a cold voice. "Forgot you are as scary as ℥enji," said Rick letting go of Adrian's hand. "℥enji told me to keep an eye on you and look after you," he added. "So you have been following me," said Adrian. "Your one to talk," said Rick. ⧚Kian.⧚ he added reminding Adrian of what he had done when he was Kian. "Now that you're here, just stay," said Adrian.

"Stop that, unless you want to worry her," said Rick pointing at Adrian's hand. "I just got angry and..." said Adrian trailing off. "I know what you mean, but you cannot do that to yourself," said Rick ⧚If you hurt yourself or end up getting hurt it would only end up hurting ⨊.⧚ he added. "I'll take care of it when I get back," "I got the stuff here. Show me your hand," said Rick. "Do you always carry around bandages and medicine on you?" asked Haley. "Eumi tends to get hurt so it's a habit with us," said Rick. "I better start carrying them around as well," said Adrian in a sad tone. "Don't forget, she is only here for a short time," said Rick reminding Adrian of ⨊ resolution to stay out of his life. "I know, but still," said Adrian.

Rick gave up saying anything more and dealt with Adrian's hand. "I should get her some sweets. What does she like?" asked Adrian. "If you're the one getting it for her it won't matter what it is, she will love it," said Rick. "Don't tell her I said that," he added. "Right, she liked those round sweets. I wonder if I can get them over here," said Adrian mumbling to himself. "We can ask one of the shops," said Rick knowing what he meant. Adrian went with Rick and the others and asked around and found out that you could only get those sweets in a shop at the edge of the city. "Wait, you're going all the way out there for some sweets? Why not just get the ones over here?" asked Steve. "I'm going with Rick. You all..." "We will go with you," said Vincent and Nina simultaneously. "I don't mind going as well. It will be like roaming around the city," chimed in Haley.

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