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            "He is Adrian, I'm Haley, she is Caren, he is Gin and that is Steve," said Haley who was interested in Rick. "Nice to meet you," said Rick ignoring Haley, walking towards Adrian and greeting him. "Your bags seem to be heavy. Let me..." "No need," said Leah interrupting Steve.

"And here I thought you lot were working hard," came a male voice from inside the house. The man that came out looked like he was in his thirties and appeared cold. "We were, but we ran into the neighbor," said David watching ℥enji's reaction. ℥enji glanced around stopping for a split second before moving along. "Finish the work. She will wake up in a few minutes," said ℥enji. "I got some sweets and Leah was in charge of the food. There is a good shop near here where we can visit when she is free," said Janet walking in with Leah. "This is the last box," added Jason walking in with David. "Hey, don't leave me behind," said Rick following the others. "I will introduce myself properly once we have settled down," said ℥enji before closing the door.

The group stood there for a few minutes before realizing that the others had already left and closed the door. "Well, there are cute guys," said Haley. "And women," added Steve. "Forget it she will never go for a kid like you," said Gin. "But did you see the scars on them?" said Steve. "What about the man who came out of the house?" asked Caren. The group chatted while walking towards Adrian's door. Adrien couldn't help but feel like he knew that guy. "Is the work done?" came a girls voice from inside the house. When Adrien heard it, he froze, he didn't know why but he wanted to go to that person and hold them. Like he found what he had lost.

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